Chapter 20: My Soulmate

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It's been almost 1 month. Me and Draco are as good as we could.

Dumbledore's death didn't make a big difference especially to slytherins. But Snape being the headmaster didn't help us as much as we thought.

The dark side had taken over. The war is closer.

Me and Draco are staying at the manor. Lucius hates that but Narcissa is really happy.

We were sitting at the living room when Dobby got in and said something to Bella.

"where are you going?" I asked her.

"the snachers have something for me." she said excited.

"it can't be good"i mumbled to Draco.

" don't worry" he said and kissed me.

Lucius gave me a disgusted look "disappointments" he mumbled referring to me and Draco.

Suddenly we saw Bella and Skabior coming in with Ron, Hermione and someone who looked like Harry with a dismorphed face.

"Draco" Bella shouted "come here dear".

Draco slowly moved toward her.

"is it him Draco? Tell me is it him? "

"i can't be sure Bellatrix. What's wrong with his face though?"

"I don't know. What's wrong with his face?" Bella asked Scabior.

"I don't know ma'am. That's how we found him"

"Draco" said Lucius coming towards him "if we give Harry Potter to the dark lord everything will be like normal again"

Draco flinched at his touch which made me worried.

"Draco. Don't do anything unless you are sure. If you give the wrong one he'll kill as all." I whispered "please be careful"

"back off you stupid bitch" Lucius shouted at me.

I didn't answer. It wasn't worthy.

"I can't be sure, I'm sorry" Draco mumbled.

Bella ordered Pettigrew to get the boys to the cellar while she was torturing Hermione.

"Morana dear come here please. I want you to Crucio her while I'm asking some questions" Bella shouted.

I was fine with that. One mudblood gone. What's the big deal?

As I was torturing her Bellatrix was asking her questions about the sword of Griffindor.

It didn't lasted long because Harry and Ron got out of the cellar.

Harry had his natural face now and we were able to identify him.

"Call him" Bella ordered Lucius with a smile.

Lucius called the lord and in a second he was there with us.

"oh Harry Potter. We finally meet for the last time." Voldemort said walking towards Harry "I hope you are prepared to die. Draco, Morana. Take the mudblood and the traitor and torture them."

We took them to the dungeons.

"Draco" I whispered "if we don't do it he'll kill us. Please be strong"

"I can't. I wouldn't expect you to understand"

"i really don't want to fight now Draco"

When we arrived at the dungeon me and Draco just sat there.

"aren't you going to torture us?" Ron said with a stupid tone.

"i was not planning to but if you continue with that attitude I will" I shouted "now sit down".

Him and Hermione obeyed.

"Why are you saving us? I thought you hated us." Hermione said weakly.

"we don't hate you" Draco started talking "we never did. We-"

"we are just in a satuation we never asked for" I cut him off.

"exactly. You think we wanted all of this? We are just fighting for our survival. Like you do" Draco continued talking.

"we- I- I never thought of it like that" Hermione mumbled.

"of course you didn't. Heartless, mean bitches. Isn't what they say? About slytherins? That we don't have feelings and that we would do anything for power. Even betray our loved ones?" I said.

"I- I'm sorry" Hermione mumbled.

"Don't" said Draco "we have the bad reputation you have the good. Don't waste that privilege"

"kids" I heard Voldemort's voice. "Harry Potter is dead. Come here"

I saw Hermione crying in Ron's arms. I gave a sad look at Draco and I went closer to Ron.

"c' mon. You have a chance to live. If we don't go he'll kill us all"

When we went to the hall I saw broken glasses everywhere and Harry's corpse on the floor.

Hermione went to hug him.

"don't" I whispered "he is looking for your weaknesses. He'll kill you. Be strong"

I can't believe it. I'm helping a mudblood.

"they don't look tortured" said Lucius.

I swear this man should die.

"you are right Lucius" said Voldemort. "fucking traitors. Avada Kedavra"

Time stopped. Tears started filling my eyes. A pain in my chest. Hermione's arms around my waist.

Draco's body besides me.

I couldn't breath. I was crying uncontrollably. I felt like I had lost the only person that loved me for who I was. I had lost this person.

All the memories. All the arguments. I felt like they were years away. I started screaming. Loudly. I was getting out all the pain I had.

"YOU KILLED HIM" I shouted at Lucius.

"no you killed him you useless slut. If his feelings for you hadn't distract him he would have been alive. Is your fault"

His words broke me even more. I killed him. The only person that I have ever loved. My soulmate.

The person that fixed me. The person that loved me. The person that saved me. I had killed him.

I couldn't take it anymore. All of this happened in a minute but it felt like a century.

Hermione let go of my waist and I went to hug him. He was dead.

I took a piece of glass from the floor.

"Morana don't do it please" Hermione shouted.

"He is dead. The person that saved me is dead. I don't deserve life if he is not with me." I said and with tears in my eyes I slit my arm.

As I was seeing my blood falling on his body I hugged him.

I had died in the arms of the person that I loved. I had died in Draco Lucius Malfoy's arms.

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