7- Lunch, Art and Richie's' dumb comments

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After English I had math with Bill and Richie, which involved trying very hard not to laugh at Richie clowning around, making fun of various people and the teacher.

Following math I had history with Stanley, Ben, and Beverly again- I thought that history was actually going to be very boring, but it was actually quite the opposite. We were looking at the past of Derry and where it had hailed from- me, Stan and Bev didn't have to do much work on it though because Ben already knew all of the answers and willingly gave them to us. The only downside to History was the fact that Henry and Belch were in it too, but they were sitting on the opposite side of the room this time, so none of us got any bother from them, which was a big bonus.

After what seemed like a really short lesson, the bell to signal lunch was sounded.

"You coming y/n?" Beverly says, smiling as we stand up.

"Yeah, lets go!" I say returning the smile as we push our chairs in.

When we eventually walk out of the classroom the only confrontation we had with Henry and Belch was when Belch shoved Stan into the door frame and Henry grumbled, 'Watch it fatboy...' to Ben.

"Why are you so mean to them Henry? What have they ever done to you?" I asked him annoyed when we were all in the hallway.

He exaggeratedly rolled his eyes, "Come on." He said to Belch, ignoring me and continued on walking down the hallway.

I shook my head and scoffed, "Dickhead." I muttered and turned around, "You guys okay?"
All three of them nodded, looking slightly relieved.

Eventually we all headed to the already bustling hall that was lunch.

"Hey g-guys over h-here!" Bill said waving us over to a table near the back where he was sitting along with Eddie, Mike, and Richie.

The three of us went over to them and said hello and put our bags down on some spare seats.

We went over to the canteen side and bought some food and returned to the table in no time at all, something good about the dinner hall was that Henry and his goons were nowhere in site.

Lunch was just like this morning; the whole time was basically Richie making us laugh- he was a true born comedian.

After lunch was basically the same as before, all of my classes except for the last one involved one of the other losers.

The last lesson was a pretty empty class too, but it was pretty fun.

I suppose in the way of how classes go, art was pretty cool. This particular lesson we were sketching flowers out of this old book.

I had nobody sitting next to me, so it was slightly lonely- but that was okay, at least I could focus on my sketching.

Even if it was pretty terrible.

The bell rang and it was finally the end of the day, I let out a grateful sigh and picked up my now heavy bag, filled with homework and textbooks. I flung it over my shoulder and walked out of the classroom, happy that my first day was over.

Further down the hall I met up with Beverly and Bill, who were laughing about something I didn't hear,

"Hey!" Beverly said, giving me a small hug that I immediately returned.

"Yeah, hi y-y/n." Bill stuttered, smiling- giving me a slight wave.

"Hi guys." I said, still feeling a little shy.

We walked out of the school, Bill said that the rest of them were meeting us outside.

"Sup' girlllls." Richie joked as we walked out of the school, Me and Bev laughed and rolled our eyes simultaneously.

We all greeted each other and planned to meet up outside of school right here every morning before class, that was fine by me.

"So y/n, the arcade after school, you in??" Richie said, pointing finger guns at me.

I chuckled, "Nah, I'm sorry guys, got boxing practise today. Maybe another time!" I said, whilst giving Beverly a hug, signalling goodbye.

"Aww, come on l/n, let's live it up a little!" Richie said, doing a little dance that made us all laugh.

"How's going to the arcade 'living it up'? Anyway I promised myself I would at least go to boxing today. So I'll see you guys tomorrow, kay?"
Everybody but Richie said goodbye, instead he continued to joke around and said, "No Miss y/n! Don't leave me like this! My forlorn heart yearns for companionship, that can only be met by your coming to the arcade with me and my fellow comrades!"

I laughed and called back, "Goodbye Richie."

I could hear them laughing behind me which caused me to chuckle too, I was adjusting the strap of my bag when I heard Richie call out again, "Hey, maybe you could learn how-to beat-up Bowers for us!"

I chuckled, yeah right, like I could beat up Henry.

Not that I wouldn't try, if given the right chance.

And only maybe after some boxing lessons.

Because if I was to go into a fight with henry right now, it was basically a death wish.

"Yeah, change basically to definitely." I muttered under my breath, as I found myself standing outside of the now slightly foreboding building that was 'Nate's boxing club'.

"Here goes..." I whispered as I pushed open the rotting wooden door, with an unapproving wail from the rusting hinges.

I looked up as the door closed, as I entered the foyer, and saw a poster with some sort of boxer on it captioned in gold with, 'To succeed you must try, and to try you must succeed- for the first step is always the hardest.'

I smiled, and took my first step, to a new self.

And I knew that one day- I wouldn't let anybody push me around.

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