15- suprise suprise

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[Y/n POV]

"So he's gone already??" Beverly said at the end of school the next day.
I nodded, "yup. He left this note on the kitchen table this morning." I said, pulling a crinkled note out of the back pocket of my light blue denim shorts and giving it to Bev.
"Y/n, Butch bak from Convenchon, gonn to Canada earlee. D will be there by 6:00. He will tayke you to skool if need bee. Bee bak bye next wheek. ' Wowww- he really can't spell can he?" She said giving me the note back.
I chuckled as I put the note back in my pocket, "he never really learned. It doesn't make much sense to me- he can read a little, but he can't write at all really."
"Hey there gurlllls." Richie said as he went down the front steps of the school with the remainder of the losers. Ben was in today, which made everybody feel a little happier since all of us were finally together again.
Me and Beverly rolled our eyes simultaneously.
"So, we still going to the arcade tomorrow?" He asked us, giving us finger guns.
"I can't." I say, adjusting the strap of my bag, "I've got boxing."
Richie rolled his eyes, "typical. Lighten up y/n! Have some fun once in while."
I frowned at him, "I do have fun."
He narrowed his eyes at me, "you ever been to the arcade at Derry?"
"No.." I admitted.
Richie shook his head, "then you have never experienced fun."
"Why don't we just go now?" Beverly suggested, "I mean, we're all free now anyway, and then y/n can actually come."
All the losers seemed to agree with Beverly, so that's how I ended up in the arcade on a Thursday afternoon have a dance dance revolution contest with the losers.
Only me and beverly (who were in a team) and richie and Eddie remained (who were the last remaining opposing team)
It was a close call but Eddie and richie won, me and bev got 92% whilst Eddie and richie got 94%
"You guys were good." I say, giving them both a high-five.
"Well I can't take all the credit." Richie said, straightening his glasses.
Eddie smiled at richie for a second before richie added, "but I feel like it's only truthful if I do."
This started an argument between Eddie and richie about who was actually the better dancer, so then they decided to play street fighter to settle the bet.
Which was a particularly bad move for Eddie, because richie spent most of his free time in here playing it.
So richie was the clear winner by the end, beating Eddie in under 15 seconds.
Eddie crossed his arms, "you cheated."
"I didn't cheat Eddie." Richie replied, "I just happen to be the street fight master."
Before they could start arguing again Beverly distracted them.
"Hey guys! Let's go in there." She said, pointing to the empty photo booth.
So that's what we did, it was a struggle to get 8 people into a photo booth, but we somehow managed.
It was all going well.
Utterly perfect.
Until we all stepped out of the photo booth, still laughing, and saw the people we were all trying our hardest to avoid, the exact people we did not want to see.
"Oh fuck..." Richie mumbled.
Oh fuck indeed.
"Well, well, well- look who we have here." Patrick said with a slightly menacing grin.
Of course at this point we were all on edge, they always managed to turn up at exactly the wrong time and ruin everything.
I looked at the other three, all of which were wearing that expression they all seemed to share, the look of hatred, triumph and expectancy. 
"W-why can't you e-e-ever just leave us b-be Bowers?" Bill said, trying to feign confidence, obviously I could see that he was nervous because I could see the photo slips in his hand trembling.
Henry smirked, "Because you all deserve it..."
Henry's eyes flickered down to the multiple films of photo's in Bill's shaking hand.
Henry, as quick as a flash, swooped his hand down and snatched one of them out of Bill's hand.
"Well, what do we have here..." He said whilst studying the photos.
I was internally cringing, especially when Henry smirked again and looked up at us with a particularly amused expression.
"Fuck sake Bowers, why can't you ever just give us one day? One day to ourselves?" Beverly snapped, surprising us all.
Henry and Patrick rolled there eyes simultaneously, Victor was starting to look a little uncomfortable but his strong, stony stature remained.
"What's goin' on here?" An overweight man said, walking towards us, arms crossed looking between Henry, his friends and us.
"Well?" He added, after nobody said anything.
It was quiet again for a few seconds before bill broke the silence,
"N-nothing sir..."
The man raised his eyebrow, "are you sure? These here boys aren't giving you any trouble now are they?" He said, nodding towards Henry and his friends.
Bill paused for a second before shaking his head, "nope."
The man nodded, "well, come get me if there's any trouble."
We all nodded at him before he proceeded to walk away.
I guess we were all a bit shocked at bill not telling the man the truth about what was actually happening, but I suppose if he did that they would find a perfect opportunity to exact revenge.
Henry and his "gang" all exchanged looks of confusion and shock before Henry suddenly jabbed a finger at bill face threateningly, and was about to say something to bill because his mouth opened, but must have changed his mind midway through because he suddenly spun back around and stormed out of the arcade, Patrick followed immediately with his usual lanky swagger, Victor and belch gave each other slightly confused looks, as if trying to comprehend what had just happened, but soon headed after Henry too.
It was only then that I saw that everybody else in the arcade were staring at us, I quickly looked at my fellow losers and noticed that every single one of them looked heavily uncomfortable.
I turned back to all of the 'observers' and frowned, "Ain't you all got anything better to do than stare at us?!" I said quite angrily.
Everybody seemed to snap out of their daze, but the atmosphere wasn't the same.
The losers had started conversing again by now, but my ears pricked at another conversation not too far away between two girls, one I knew to be Greta Bowie, the town bitch, and another girl with blonde hair that was entwined in a long braid, I didn't recognise her at all- but truly I hadn't met a whole lot of people in this town just yet...
"Yeahhhh, now that you've mentioned it I can definitely see it..." the blonde said nodding, as I secretly watched and listened from a small distance.
"I mean, I'm surprised that nobody is really talking about it- well, I mean, a few people are, but things like this should really get around. The People should really know this..." Greta said, putting a coin into the slot of a certain game that hummed to life and a bright tune started to play.
"Are you sure Greta? I mean... this could completely ruin her reputation-" the other girl started but Greta butted in.
"Does it matter?! Look at who she hangs out with, her reputation has already gone down hill." Greta said as she started to push buttons on the machine as her friend watched beside her.
"But... what about him?" Her friend said, looking quite nervous.
Greta paused and looked down for a split second as if contemplating something before looking up at her friend with a small smirk, "Well... I mean Henry will probably be angry- he always is, but..."
"But?" Her friend said, prompting her on.
"But the truth needs to be out- and his girlfriend will pay for the consequences of her actions." Greta said with another smirk.
I suppressed a small gasp that clung to my throat- they were talking about Henry- my Henry.
I shook my head in distain- he wasn't my Henry at all, he was just... Henry.
But the fact that he actually had a girlfriend shocked me- he truly didn't seem the type.
What surprised me was the fact that is stung so damn much.
"But you don't even know if it's true or not..." her friend said, tilting her head slightly.
Greta sighed heavily, as a some-what annoying, low buzz came from the game she was playing- obviously signalling defeat- she sighed again- but this time with much more exasperation than the last- "Marci- you know I can tell these things- and I'm telling you this: that little slut is sucking off Hocksteter- and the world needs to know."
The girl, who I now knew to be Marci, nodded slightly, "has this anything to do with the fact that you like Henry?" Marci said, tilting her head to the side again.
"Shhh!" Greta said, quickly covering Marci's mouth with her own hand, "we don't talk about that in public, you got it!?"
Marci nodded, and Greta released her and then checked her watch- "come on, the movie's about to start."
Marci nodded yet again, and they went off in the direction of which I assumed was where people went to watch movies- I didn't know for certain, I had never actually been here before- and despite our negative encounter with Henry and his friends- I would definitely be coming here again.
"You good?" Beverly said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
I turned back around to face the rest of the conversing losers (minus Bev) and nodded with a smile, "yep, I'm okay."
"Good good, just checking." She said, returning my smile, "the others were just talking about going to the park if you wanna come too?"
I checked the time on my phone 4:25, "yeah I'll come with you. I've got to go by 5:30 tho- I wanted to be home before this mysterious 'D' shows up- who ever the hell it is." I said grinning.
Beverly chuckled, "that's understandable. And if they turn out to be a dickhead , you can always come and find me or one of the others losers, we won't mind you staying with us- although it might be a better idea for you to stay with one of the others losers if you do- my dad is never really acceptant of my friends..." Beverly said with a sad smile.
I gave her a small smile back, "it's all good Beverly- I can put up with it if they are 'a dickhead'" I said, quoting Beverly from earlier.
She chuckled, "okay then."
"Hurry up!" Richie whined, causing both me and Beverly to roll our eyes.
"Shut up Richie." We both said simultaneously- causing laughs from the other losers and when Richie noticed that Eddie was laughing he soon joined in too.
"I'm gonna go home now." Ben said, with a small smile.
"Are you sure?" Beverly said with raised eyebrows.
"Yeah- I've got some work I need to do." Ben said nodding his head.
"Okay- well have fun then." I said with a smile.
And that was when Ben left us to return home- I cursed myself as we all got on our bikes outside of the arcade at the fact that I never got to ask Ben about what had happened...
But as I had said to myself before, it truly wasn't my business- yes, I was overly curious, and the fact that all the other losers knew bothered me slightly- but i was sure Ben would tell me in his own time, and that was alright with me.
It wasn't a long cycle to the park, and as soon as we got there Richie was already cracking the jokes.
"You know why I truly think that Bowers left so abruptly?" Richie said as we all sat down on the grass- Eddie hesitant at first, but soon sat down with the rest of us.
"How come?" Mike said, nodding his head to Richie, wearing an expectant grin.
Richie straightened his glasses and grinned back at us cockily, "I think he saw me on the dance dance revolution machine earlier and was so in awe of my sweet moves he couldn't bare to look at my awesomeness."
We all laughed and shook our heads at Richie, "If there was a reason he didn't want to look at you, it wasn't because of your 'awesomeness'..." Stanly jokingly retaliated causing us to laugh more.
"Hey- you ain't much to look at either fuckface."  Richie reciprocated.
Stanly feigned shock and put a hand to his chest, but he soon broke and ended up laughing along with the rest of us, other people at the park stared at us as if we were crazy, but we didn't care at all.
That was also how the remainder of the evening went, just as any other day would have- Richie cracking jokes, us telling him to shut up, us eventually cracking up at his jokes.
No doubt about it- he was 100% the funny one of the friend group and definitely a born comedian.
After awhile I picked up my phone to check the time.
"Shit. Out of charge." I said, weakly waving my phone in the air so they knew what it meant, "does anyone know the time?"
"It's... 5:26" Eddie said almost immediately.
"Ah okay. Thanks Ed's. I should be going now." I said, raising my arms above my head in a stretch.
It was then that I said my goodbyes to my fellow losers and headed on my way- I was glad I didn't have to go to 'Store' for anything because I truly didn't want to be late- tardiness was not a good first impression. But it wasn't like I was going to be late back, so I had no real reason to rush so I took my time cycling- for the first time I could actually look around at the landscapes that separated my house from the town of Derry- evergreen trees bordered the road for about one mile, but they soon dissipated so that  you could see the green roaming hills for many distant miles- all littered with assorted country flowers.
In all honesty- for such a dreary, colorless place in town- the outskirts were definitely incredible; utterly beautiful was a complete understatement.
With all my mindless gazing at the landscapes, the ride back home only seemed like a brief journey, and before I knew it I was just outside of my house.
It was obvious that 'D' was here (who ever the hell they were) because a unfamiliar car was parked outside- a brand new silver Mercedes at that.
Damn- that was a sweet car, whoever owned it had style.
And a hell of a decent job, to be able to afford this.
A fair amount of my nerves drained away- I felt quite excited to meet them, I could feel an almost... Similarity between them and me...
I leaned my bike up against the porch, as I always do, and headed up the wooden porch steps- I found it odd that none of the lights in the house were on- despite the fact that it had finally became dark outside.
I shook it off and opened the front door- ready to meet this stranger.

It all started happening in an instant.

I walked forward a couple of steps, dropping my bag next to the door, I also felt for the light switch on the left. Just as my finger tips were about to brush the switch- the light turned on.
But not by me.
Somebody else had pressed the light switch.
It was then that I saw the boy- now man in front of me, leaning his somewhat slender body against the wall, his hand on the switch, wearing an almost devilish smirk, a lit cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth.
I felt my knees get weak, my head started to pound, my heart rate increased. I never really felt scared anymore- but this... terrified me.  
This was bad.
Beyond bad.
I was absolutely fucked.
In front of me to my utter demise and beyond, was none other that my own brother.
"Hello dearest sister." He hummed, with his wide smirk, "it's been awhile..."

In a world of choice (𝐻𝑒𝓃𝓇𝓎 𝒷𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝓍 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇)Where stories live. Discover now