Chapter 15: A Good Man's First Blood

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"It seems that this isn't enough to cover the travel expenses," The Starosta growled. "That older boy that was traveling with them must have some more coin in his belongings. It seems that Miss Kaika has proven once again to be useful." Finn Ardwald laughed excessively, and he looked just like a man that would illegally sell tobacco. He had rotten features all around, shaggy and unkempt hair, missing teeth, and fingers suffering from major frostbite.

So, it seems that woman was in on it as well. I'm such a fool, Isaac thought.

Isaac never thought of things turning out like this, but it was the painful truth he had to accept. These people were most definitely outlaws, and they were very clever ones at that. Isaac figured that they separated him and Mary from the twins for an advantage. They had also put out that bounty for Isaac, who was desperate for more money, and that made him pay the price in the end. 

If I had just gone with Mary after we finished this job, this wouldn't have happened, He thought while scorning himself. Isaac decided at that moment that he was going to make up for his mistakes, and to be ever so careful later, knowing very well that things wouldn't be easier for him anymore like they were in Rolnik.

"Your friend's drunk as a dog downstairs," Finn Ardwald exclaimed. "He can't save you all, now can he?"

As soon as both their backs were turned, Isaac instantly rushed into the room and plunged his dagger into Finn Ardwald's back. A shrieking cry came from Finn as he toppled over unexpectedly, with a pool of blood blending in the floor. The Starosta dashed away from the sudden incident, surprised over Isaac's arrival, and pulled out a rapier from his walking cane. 

"I'd like my payment now," Isaac scowled at the Starosta. "Maybe I'll take it from you when you're dead."

Peter Kipcsken smirked at Isaac's response and waved his rapier around as if he were showing Isaac how deadly it appeared to be. "I have to say, you hid your soberness fairly well," He admitted. "But you will not be able to kill me regardless." 

Kipcsken exhibited a poised fighting stance and pointed his sword at Isaac, asking for a challenge. Mary stood there in tears, with George and William awestruck that their big brother had arrived. However, they were frightened by the dead man on the floor who Isaac had killed with his own hands. 

"You made a very big mistake in hurting her," Isaac responded, his eyes now menacingly fixated on the Starosta. "Otherwise, I may not have been able to fight you with all my strength."

The Starosta struck first, using more of a fencing technique for his attacks. He thrust and withdrew his rapier forward and backward, with each strike getting faster and faster for each passing second. The man fought with extreme caution and precision, even taking an inexperienced fighter like Isaac with wariness. 

Even so, Isaac was clearly at a disadvantage, with only a dagger and his hazy instincts. All of the alcoholic drinks Isaac had taken before were having some effect on him now. Isaac couldn't see all of his opponent's moves, taking blows from the side of his cheek and another light slash that tore apart the upper right side of his shirt. If he hadn't had dodged just in time, Isaac would have taken a blow right down the stomach.

The man had said nothing, only putting full focus onto his strikes and hitting them with ease. Following his previous attack, Kipcsken had now barred Isaac to the side of the wall, prohibiting him from moving any further. Isaac had nowhere to go other than face his impending doom. 

"It seems that she was right, you are merely a butcher," Kipcsken stated. "Then I feel no remorse in killing you here." He curled his arm back and aimed for a horizontal blow to Isaac's neck, signaling a one-hit kill.

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