Chapter 17: A Warrior Born from Fire

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It was a bright and sunny morning, but the air was surprisingly cold from where she was. There were some memorable experiences Silva had before, but they were nothing compared to this.

Silva sat atop the tallest mountain in Czésta, Usama Peak, and she felt like a cloud watching over everything below her. She could see Czésta City, enveloped in the mountains and trees and the ocean behind it. Silva could also see a faint spray of blue to the north, which looked to be the Hunspr Sea that was said to be the heart of Czahunlia.

Her whole life was spent on an island, which gave Silva a feeling of confinement. Once Silva observed the land around her, she soon realized how broad this island really was. It was amazing that a whole nation was founded on this very island, which was also the most populated island in the Hunspr Sea at that.

Silva couldn't see the entire island engulfed in the ocean; she could only see the north and south lands. There were also many mountains scattered around so it was difficult to spot distant villages, and the height of Usama Peak made her surroundings look like little mice. It was at that moment that Silva felt free from everything that was happening to her below, and she could finally take things easy and relax.

"Are you still daydreaming?" A voice cried out from the distance. 

Silva turned her head from her meditation and saw Markus pop his head out from the side of the mountain. It was very unusual at first that he could merge with the earth, and it took a long explanation that included a "one with the earth" statement that Silva could not comprehend at all. Then Silva knew that she wasn't up here just for sightseeing. She was here because she had her own training to do.

"I was...concentrating my energy," Silva explained, "Obviously for training purposes."

Markus frowned, not buying her excuse. He treaded up the mountain as easily as ever and stood next to Silva at the summit. "I knew that this would happen," Markus said. "Maybe I should have just made you climb this yourself."

"As if I could do that," Silva retorted. "It sounds impossible when you think about it, but suddenly you can climb mountains too. Your magic is even crazier than I thought it would be."

Markus sighed and pointed to the ocean in response. "You know what lies beyond there?" He asked her, and Silva wondered what type of question that was meant to be.

"Do you mean the land beyond?" Silva answered, and Markus sighed again. 

"Yes, but what exactly lies beyond this land?" He asked again. "Have you ever given it any thought?"

Silva was perplexed, as she wondered if he meant Czahunlia as a whole. "I haven't given it much thought," Silva answered. "I just know Czésta, and that the Hunspr Sea is in the middle of Czahunlia, and that it progresses towards the right and ends up in the Pacifica Oceandí. That's all the priests taught me back at the orphanage."

"Exactly," Markus stated. "The funny thing is, even I don't know what's out there. Most people living on Czahunlia only think about Czahunlia, and not what lies beyond their reach. That's why..." 

He trailed off for a moment, and finally said, "That's why you should become like me, a talented mage. When you do, I believe that you will find the answers you seek, including what's beyond this land."

Silva was left with a collection of theories, pondering why Markus was pushing her so hard to become a mage like him. Why also did he want her to look beyond Czahunlia?

"Can't you just see it yourself?" Silva questioned. "I mean, why do you have to work so hard just to know the outside world? Shouldn't everyone know that?" 

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