Chapter 4 - Dale's POV

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Im backkkkkk! :) woo. sorry for how long I took. but ive got some good ideas for this story and i have written another story idea on my phone for later! how exciting :)

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Love you all

vanessaaaaaaa xx

Dales POV

 I slowly woke up, feeling more comfortable than usual. Something then snuggled further into me and I nearly jumped up in fright. I looked slightly down to see Kourt cuddled up to my chest, her hair looking like a cute bird’s nest that simply made me laugh. He cheeks were a light rose colour, obviously from being too close to me, both her arms were spread across my chest, and one of her legs was wrapped around mine while she snored lightly. I blushed; I could even feel like blood riding up my skin. Well then…I guess we fell asleep after sharing the whole box of pizza between us. I slowly tried to move away but she grabbed onto me, making me blush even deeper. I moved again only to be pulled back down. Still blushing possibly looking like a tomato, I gave up and laid back down, slowly placing my head on top of Kourt's nest of a hair. Smiling to myself

 I lightly started to trace my finger along Kourt's slim tanned arm. I personally will never understand what she sees in Chase. He is just a stuck up, rude, two faced jerk who thinks he can mess up the most important girl to me! Not on my watch. Well. Awkward. I don't own one... But still. Kourt is so beautiful and smart and she understands me. I feel like, I can tell her anything and everything and she will me never judge me. And till this day. She never has. She is the only one that knows my current problems. And she probably doesn't understand how much she really means to me. The same reason why I wish I could stop her from going after to Chase. I care so much for this angel. More than she will ever know. I wish I could tell her though. I wish I could make her understand. Make her see what life can bring her. She’s my little damsel in distress, and sadly. I'm not her knight in shining armour. I'm more like the jester.


 "Dale you little snail wake up" a sweet voice said, as I was being lightly shaken.

 I slowly opened my eyes to see Kourt and I blushed. She giggled and I blushed even deeper.

 "Oh. U-Uhm, s-sorry. I-I guess we uh... F-fell asleep" I stuttered feeling so stupid. Of course we fell asleep, she was freaking waking me up. Man I'm stupid.

 She giggled again. I swear if this gorgeous girl keeps giggling I'll be redder than a tomato!

 "No worries Dale the snail! Lunch is being cooked so I suggest we make our way downstairs amigo!" She laughed and walked off downstairs.

Shaking my head at her in amusement I slowly got off her bed and made my way towards her full length mirror.

My black hair was sticking out in all different directions, completely out of whack from its usual style of being slightly gelled up like, Wayne, no Kane, hane? Mother of nature I mean Zain from one direction. Idiot you are dale.

 I quickly ran my hand through my hair, trying to get back my look. But sighed. I'll never look hot enough for Kourtney. Chase was just way better looking than me. I have electric blue eyes, which change with season, fairly toned up body but nothing like Chase. I'm around 6ft, and wear slightly less "trendy" clothes. I'm a nerd, I love my friends. But one in particular. And Chase, he walked around with a shirt that was so tight fitting that it looks like it’s about to rip to shreds. He was around 6ft 1 with the biggest brown eyes, which obviously makes girls melt. Personally, I reckon they would make me want to kill myself. Oh yeah, it’s kind of obvious that I loathe Chase right? Why wouldn’t I, the jerk is playing games with MY Damsel in distress. She could possibly like me, right?

 Kourt POV

 It was weird waking up next to Dale. I mean yeah, he is my extremely cute and good looking best friend. But I felt way to comfortable sleeping next to him. It kind of felt "right". But like I said he is one of my best friends. Of course I'll feel comfortable around him. Right? I mean its Dale. I couldn't like him more than a friend... Right?

Chase POV

 Sitting here watching a movie with my dear girlfriend. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealously when I went to apologize to Amber last night for being so rude. I ended up walking in on her and that Dale guy snuggled up together on her bed fast asleep. I mean. Yeah I should be thinking about her more like my little sister. Lea is my girl... I love Lea. Right?

Kourt POV

I heard a light squeal and I snapped my head towards the sound. I wish I didn’t. Chase was playfully nibbling on my sister’s ear while he pinned her down on the couch. PDA much? I turned my head back to my lunch, starting to feel less hungry every time I heard another squeal come from Lea. Finally having enough I jumped from the counter top chair and kept my head down as I walked anywhere but near them. I pulled my phone out from my back pocket, wondering where my dear Best friends is. Did she stay over too? Quickly typing her a text asking where she is, I slipped my phone back into my back pocket and then I collided right into a wall. Sigh… laughter erupted from behind me as I looked back to see my darling sister and Chase standing there, clutching their stomachs, trying not to die of laughter.

“Real mature guys” I said as I walked away. Stupid people.

Walking up the stairs to my room, I suddenly remembered that Dale never came down for lunch. Sprinting upstairs in fright, thinking something may have happened to Dale. I wrenched my door opened, with a loud ‘bang’ scaring the daylights out of Dale as he looked at me wide eyed.

“Mother of nature Kourt, what is wrong?” he said looking at me.

“Oh I thought, well. You know… that with your condition and everything…” I blushed. Well this is awkward. I looked up to see Dale with a heartbreaking grin on his face.

“You thought I must have passed out, right?” he said smiling

“Well uh… yeah” I laughed

“I may have a heart problem Amigo, but I would never die out on you that easy” He joked giving me a lop sided grin

“You won’t die out on my EVER!” I said, my eyes becoming slightly watery.

“Aw no, Kourt, I was just messing around” he said as he grabbed me in a tight bear hug

“I'm not going anywhere Amigo. Hermosa chica” he said as I smiled

“Uhm what?” I said looking up at him, he laughed

“Nothing amigo. How about I take you shopping? My official apology to my not so funny joke?” he smiled

Looking up at him in a flash, with a wide grin I agreed.

“LETS GO SHOPPING AMIGO!” I squealed as I ran into my wardrobe and slammed the door behind me.

“SHOPPING” I heard another squeal, wrenching the door open I see, D, her hair looking so out of place I burst into fits of laughter. Dale laughed with me.

“Oh shush, I only woke up the sound of the word ‘Shopping’” she said truthfully as she walked into my wardrobe.

“Yeah well, your hair is just hilarious, you look like big bird” I laughed so hard, I started to cry

“Well you know what? I'm not coming shopping with you evil people” she huffed and she stomped out of the room.

“You were never invited” Dale yelled after her, in laughter.

“Stuff you Dale!” she yelled back, and then she slammed the guest bedroom door shut.

Where would I be without them?

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