Chapter 6. Watervale Part I

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SOOO UH, HELLO (Scott Discick Voice)
Im back! for now hahaahha
New chapter

Vanessa x


Chapter 6 – Watervale Lake House Part I

It was early Saturday morning, 4am to be exact, when my mother decided to walk into my room smashing a metal serving spoon against one of our large soup pots.

“WATERVALE! WATERVALE! WATERVALE! YEAH!” she cheered as I groaned. You have got to be kidding me. What is this? College?

“MUM! Please, stop with the banging and cheering its 4am you’re going to wake the whole neighbourhood!” I groaned again, grabbing a pillow and shoving it over my ears, trying my very best to block out mums constant cheering and banging

“Oh Kourtney, get your skinny little butt out of bed, have a shower, get changed and be ready in less than an hour! Or I’ll drag you into the car with bed head and morning breath!” she said evilly as she laughed and went to annoy Lea.

Knowing that my evil mother is not joking, I jumped out of bed and headed to my study desk chair and picked up the clothes I laid out yesterday and bringing it into my bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I opened the shower door and turned on the water letting it heat up as I quickly stripped down. Shivering as the cold weather welcomed me, I jumped into the shower, feeling a burning sensation from the friction. Standing under the hot water for nearly twenty minutes I decided it’s time to get out. Wrapping my purple towel around me, I started to get dressed.  After pulling on my underwear and snapping on my matching bra, I pulled a plain black t-shirt over my head, shoved my feet through my black leggings, and pulled my grey hoody over my head. I then went to my mirror and turned the tap (faucet) on and brushed my teeth.

I looked at myself in the mirror, realising that I look like death, and needed to fix that ASAP! Washing my mouth out, I put my toothbrush down and in its place I picked up my concealer. Dabbing some on under my eyes and smoothing it into my skin, I decided on wearing some foundation powder instead of liquid seeming as it is only 4am and we are travelling to a lake house. After applying my powder I quickly applied a small layer of mascara to my lashes. I packed my make-up bag up again and took my hair straightener from the cupboard and waited for it to heat up. Once heated, I quickly ran the straightener through my hair, keeping it a little wavy so it doesn’t look like I tried to do my hair.

Switching off my straightener I put it in the heat protecting bag and picked up my make-up bag throwing it into my suitcase I had sitting beside my bed. Looking my room over once more to ensure I didn’t forget anything, I picked up my phone and unplugged my charger from the wall throwing it into my hand bag as well as a few travelling necessities. I sighed and walked out my room hand bag on my shoulder and pulling my suitcase behind me. Let hell begin.

Halfway through the journey to the lake house, the Andersons decided to stop for a quick lunch at a country side diner. Hearing my stomach growl, for once, I did no protest about having to have to spend more time with the Andersons. Dad parked his car right next to the Andersons and we all filed out and went into the dinner.

“Welcome to Danny’s diner! How many for today?!” a perky ginger haired girl asked, as she popped her pink gum in her mouth. I cocked an eyebrow up at her, interesting.

“Yeah, uh, table for 8?” Dad said, but it sounded more like a question

“Right this way!”  She said cheerfully as she practically skipped down the aisle.

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