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"So... shall we make a deal?" Cyrus said. Dean and Sam both stared at each other and gave a look of understanding and remembrance of their plan.

"What do you know about auras?"

"You mean all that hippie crap?" The young demon said perplexed.

"Like angel crap." Dean supplied. Cyrus made a face of understanding.

"Well, first off, they're only referred to as 'auras' in Greek. I'm assuming this is for a spell?"

Sam nodded, face furrowed.

"They are more commonly known, as halos."

"Halos? Like... the little gold ring on their heads?"

"You didn't pay attention in Sunday school, did you Dean?" Dean just mocked being offended. "Angels true forms are made up of halos, wings and eyes. Kinda creepy actually."

"Okay, where can we get one?" Sam asked.

"Hell if I know. And I've been there, so, no."

"Do you know anyone who does?"

"Look Farrah Faucet," Dean tried not to laugh at the demons nickname for Sam. "There's a pretty good chance that they don't even exist anymore. All the angels are dead. No angels, no halos. Unless someone has some magical collection out there. But you're pushing your luck."

"What if... what if there was?" Dean asked.

"A magic collection?"

"Yeah. There was this angel, Balthazar. Apparently he had this big collection of stolen goods from heaven. Do you think you could find it?" Sam chimed in.

"Of course I could. If something is harboring that much magic, no matter the warding I could sense the energy. But what do I get in return?"

"You're not getting our souls. Sorry kiddo." Dean shrugged.

"Then no deal." The demon crossed his arms.

"I think you forget, you're in a trap, we have blades, and we're Sam and Dean fucking Winchester." Dean tested.

"Please," Cyrus scoffed. "This trap, can't hold me forever. Blades? Cool, got me there. But, you need me. No other demon is going to consort with you, and let's be honest, Dean. I can tell you've changed. You don't have it in you to kill me again."

"Maybe, but I do." Sam said. The demon looked at him and back at Dean before Dean began to bargain.

"Look, the queen? Rowena? She's practically family. If you help us find the halo, or whatever, we can talk to her about getting you a promotion. Something better than a salesman." Cyrus pondered on that for a moment.

"One more thing," Dean nodded hesitantly. "You can never try and kill me again. No summoning me, no more deals, no traps. I do this, I'm done with the Dean Winchester for good."



Dean and Sam broke the devils trap in order to let Cyrus free and find Balthazar's collection. They had been sitting and waiting at the crossroads for over an hour waiting for him to get back.

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