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Dean and Cas have been home and together for a week now and things are getting interesting. They both somehow established that Dean is the little spoon even though he's a little grumpy about it. Cas does Deans laundry and makes him food and gives him kisses every time they're alone. Truly, Dean feels spoiled. Cas is so perfect and giving, Dean feels guilty because he hasn't done anything to deserve him.

Cas is so thoughtful, not just because he does Deans chores or makes him delicious food, but he respects his boundaries. Dean doesn't quite feel comfortable kissing Cas in front of Sam or Eileen yet, despite their closeness. Cas knows about Deans past with boys and how his father beat that out of him, and when Dean first told him the story, Cas kissed each and every one of his scars that his father had given him.

"You are the most caring man, you are the most selfless, loving human being, I will ever know."

Every time Cas does something as simple as a finger touch to him, that's all he hears in his mind. Cas telling him that he deserves to be loved, and he really is trying to make himself believe that. Dean has always thought he was broken, useless, shameful, unworthy. A part of him still does, because he considers loving Cas selfish. But Cas is helping him be better and he wants that. So he can feel proud and joyful to love Cas, and not feel like he's holding him back.


Cas and Sam were sitting in the library when Dean came in from the kitchen. Dean set down a beer for each of them, standing behind Cas and massaging his shoulders. This was something he could do. Cas carried a lot of his stress and tension in his shoulders, and now that he was human, it was worse.

"That feels nice." Cas groaned and Dean smirked. Sam gave them an amused glance before turning his laptop around. Sam explained all the gory details of how three priests were crucified in Ada County. He showed them all the police reports and they all agreed thoughtfully that this looked like a case.

"You're right. We should go check it out." Dean said backing away from Cas. The angel stood up to follow and Dean looked at him confused. "What are you doing?"

"... Going with you."

"On the hunt?"



"Excuse me? Why not?"

"Because you just got back from super mega hell and you don't have your grace. You could get hurt and that's not happening."

"Dean, I am a grown man... angel. I can go on a simple hunt. Plus I've already been back for a week. I'm fine."

"No, you're not. Cas if anything happened to you I couldn't live with myself."

"I appreciate your concern, but I will be fine and I am going whether you like it or not." Cas said storming past him to Deans- their?- room. Dean looked down the hallway in awe of what just happened before he turned on a heel to look back at Sam. Sam was biting his lip to stop from laughing and that just pissed Dean off even more.

"What's so funny?" Dean asked.

"You two are so perfect for each other it's ridiculous." He chuckled. Dean just rolled his eyes and stormed after Cas. When he got to his room, Cas was angrily shoving clothes- most of them Deans- into a duffle bag. He changed one look at Dean before turning back to what he was doing.

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