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Dean was outside working on the Impala in the hot heat of the summer day. Sam and Eileen left for a little weekend getaway to celebrate their engagement and the little one on the way. Dean and Cas has spent the last two days cuddling and being stupidly romantic like they couldn't normally be in good company. Cas was inside the bunker now, while Dean remained hunched over, looking in the hood of the Impala.

It wasn't the necessity of the work, but the energy it consumed that Dean enjoyed. He worked outside for hours before Cas came out with a sandwich made for him. Dean smiled and kissed his cheek in thanks for lunch. Dean reached into the cooler and withdrew two bottles, handing one to Castiel without looking at him, before then opening his own. He returned to his work on Baby, setting his already half empty bottle on the edge of the front bumper where it leaned precariously. Castiel stood, unopened beer sweating in his hand as he watched. Once Dean felt satisfied with his work, he turned back to Cas and dug into his sandwich. By the time he finished and was cleaning off the grease from his hands, Castiel fisted Deans flannel in his hands pulling him close. Dean came back to lean down to give Cas a gentle kiss. But Cas didn't want gentle. His hand reached up to fist in Dean's sweat damp hair as he licked into his mouth, deepening the kiss. Dean sighed into Cas's mouth, allowing himself this moment, before he had to pull away, chuckling as Castiel tried to hold his bottom lip hostage with his teeth.

"Did you use my shampoo?" he murmured against Dean's lips.

"Maybe," he replied sheepishly.


"Shut up."

"But that's so sweet," Cas teased.

"Can it," Dean groused as tossed the grease rag over his shoulder.

"You wanted to smell like me." Dean leveled Cas with a Sam Winchester worthy Bitch Face™

"I seem to recall a certain someone wearing my AC/DC tee-shirt under his dress shirt, the other day."

Cas simply chuckled and pulled Dean in for another kiss, more languid. Dean smiled into his mouth when he thought about it. Cas was probably one of the best kissers Deans ever had. His tongue so rough and dominant, yet so soft and tender like a woman's. He could easily kiss him all day, loving the rough scrape of stubble along his chin and upper lip.

"You wanna," Cas mumbled against his lips in between heated kissed. "Go back, inside?"

"Mm," Dean leaned more into Cas. "What did you have in mind?"

"Anything you want." Cas bit Deans bottom lip making Deans eyes shoot open. He pulled back enough to rest his hands on Cas's hips and look back at the Impala. He smiled and shrugged before Cas pulled him back into the bunkers door. As soon as the door was shut, Deans eyebrows shot into his hairline as Cas simply started stripping his clothes as they walked down the stairs. Sure, they were alone, but Dean never expected Cas to be so open with something like stripping naked.

I mean there was that time with the bees...

But Dean bit his lip and followed in suite, stripping his own clothes as they headed to Deans room. They were both clad in nothing but their boxers by the time they got the door shut to the room. Castiel was pressing back against Dean, mouth relentless as it kissed down Deans neck and chest making his eyes roll into his head.

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