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The next morning was a little bit awkward. They packed up and headed out only saying a few words to each other. They were fine once they were on the road again, but it was different. Dean had given himself to Cas. In every possible way, and that scared him. It had never been that way with a lover. He had never been able to think such poetic things, never lost himself in those physical sensations. What he and Cas did was beyond sex, and he didn't know how he felt about that.

Well, he knew in the moment he felt great. Dean hadn't ever felt that much pleasure in his life and the fact that he got that from Cas made it that much better. But they had known each other so long that now it was... really different.

Deans had one night stands. Plenty. It was never too awkward because he know he was never going to see them again. Even with the other women he's dated, it's never been like this. But he supposes it's not so much the fact that he's a man as opposed to the fact that they've now shared something beyond what he's given to any other woman. Not even with Lisa or Cassie had he ever been so... present.

Things got a little better once they were on the road, but then it was that almost funny awkward. Especially with Cas. Luckily Dean wasn't the only one who was tense, but Cas's reservations were more the 'I've now seen you naked' as opposed to the 'commitment and intimacy issues' reservations.

By the time they made it to Ada county, they found out that they were hunting Dybbuk. According to Hebrew lore, it was a form of ghost possession. They found out the ghost was getting revenge on the boys he attended Catholic school with. The three priests who had already been killed, partook in bullying their fellow classmate named David. Apparently the men bullied him so bad, David took his own life. Dean had seen this a million times, and every few times, Dean thinks maybe he should just let the ghost finish his job. Put itself to rest. But that's not his job so he and Cas dug up to find out who was David was possessing.

They spend days in Ada just trying to find out what poor bastard was being puppeteered like a marionette. The eventually found out it was a St. Paul's boy named Robin.

It took some digging to find David's grave as well, but when they found it, they wasted no time in digging it up to salt and burn the son of a bitch. However, they were confronted in the graveyard by Robin.

"Dean!" Cas yelled. The possessed teenager lurched at him, knocking the shovel from his hands. The boy almost had superhuman strength with the ghost possessing him. David punched him over and over until Dean felt his lip split from the boys ring. Castiel scrambled to help Dean but David somehow threw him with his mind.

"No!" Dean yelled. He saw Cas hit a tree a ways away and heard a snap followed by a cry of pain. He fought with all his might to get David off of him and scrambled for his lighter. Once he got his footing he tossed the lighter down into the grave and watched David as he started to scream in pain. Dean saw the ghost expelled from his body and the young teen Robin collapsed to the ground in a heap. Dean knew he should help the boy, but he ran to Cas instead. He sprinted across the midnight darkened graveyard to find Cas cradling his arm to his chest. Dean fell to his knees and reached out to examine what had happened.

"Are you alright?" Cas asked panting. Dean snorted a laugh.

"Am I alright," he mocked. "You were just thrown against an oak tree hon. Are you okay?"

"I heard a snap. My elbow hurts." Cas hissed. Dean carefully took Cas's forearm, grimacing in apology as Cas winced. Dean hissed when he saw the blood and the bone peeking out of his trench coat.

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