Chapter 4: Prisoners

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Lance's POV 

We're standing in in the control room, waiting for Allura to make the wormhole jump. I'm standing next to Katie while trying to figure out my vision from last night. Some people would say that my visions are just dreams, but their actually not. My visions predict the future. So when I saw a cloaked figure coming at Katie, I can't help but be concerned. I was wondering if maybe the cloaked figure was not a bad guy, since most Galra don't dress like that and we haven't met anyone else who isn't on our side that dresses like that, so I'm hopeful. 

Katie shoots me a worried glance, since she can feel the worry radiating off me. I think Hunk can, too, but he just doesn't want to say anything. Am I that nervous? Allura opens the wormhole and we fly through it, arriving at our destination in mere ticks. When we pop out of the wormhole, I wince in pain. I sense something familiar that I haven't in a long time, but I can't place what. I try to brush it aside, but as we inch ever closer to the Galra cruisers and merchant ship, it gets worse. I double over in pain, my knees hitting the ground. "Lance!" Katie yells. The other turn to me, clutching my head on the ground. "Lance! What's wrong?" Katie asks. She shakes me a bit. "Lance you have to tell me what's wrong!" I can tell she's worried but I can't speak. It feels like there are many cuts, bruises, and burns all over my body, some bones are broken, and my head is going to explode. I close my eyes in hopes of it going away, but it doesn't. Instead, I get a vision.

*A cloaked Galra woman stands over another cloaked figure. "You will tell me what I want to know, or this will get much worse than it already is," she says. "Never! Rot in hell Haggar!" the guy says, being as strong as he can. "I know you work for the rebel alliance young man! And I will not take no as an answer!" Haggar electrocutes him and I wince in pain as the guy screams. Then Haggar notices me, though it doesn't seem she can see me. "Hello. You must be a friend of his. You may want to convince him that he should comply, before I sell him to my friend in the merchant ship who will torture him much worse than I. He has studied many different types of torture and knows what is best for each individual. So I suggest making him give me what I want," she growls, grinning wickedly. The man turns my way, but I don't get to see his face before I'm whisked back into reality next to Katie and the others.* I sit up from my place in the floor. "What happened?" I ask, rubbing my head, which still hurt. "Dude, you just passed out! Again! And you were holding your head in pain! Are you sure your up for this mission?" Hunk asks, very much concerned. "I'm fine, don't worry!" I say as Shiro helps me up. As I try to stand, I hear Haggar's voice. 'I can sense you, child. My magic is strong, though not as strong as yours. Join me and I can teach you to control it,' Haggar offers. 'Like hell bitch!' I scream at her and block her out. The day has barely just begun and I already think I'm going to hate it.

Katie's POV

"I'm taking you to the medbay," I tell everyone as I pick up Lance. "I can walk you know!" he says, frustrated. "And have you falling over on me? No thanks!" I snap back. 'I want to talk.' 'I know, I'm just making it more believable,' he responds. I drag him to the medbay and lay him one the table. I close and lock the door, then sit beside him. "I had a vision, but it was in real time. Haggar was torturing someone from the rebel alliance in a max-security cell, just like the person from the message said they'd be in. Haggar could sense my conscience was there, though, and then, after the vision stopped, she contacted me telepathically and asked me if I would join her," Lance explained. "And you said..." "Like hell bitch!" he repeated. I laughed and smiled. "That's my brother!" He laughed stood up. Then he helped me up and we went back to the control room. When we arrived, Hunk tackled Lance. "Are you okay? You looked like you were in a lot of pain!" Hunk stressed. "I'm fine! I told you don't worry!" he said, hugging Hunk, then pushing him off. "Good, cause it's time for our mission!" Shiro exclaimed. We nodded and went to change into our armor. Once we finished getting ready, we went to our lions. Green was waiting and ready for me in her hangar, mouth already open for me to just run inside. We took off and met with the others in the sky to follow the plan. I have mixed feelings about this mission, so I hope it all works out well. 

???'s POV 

I can feel 2 familiar energies nearing. One of them was from when I was back on earth and the other from earlier when I was with Haggar, but I had sensed that one on earth too. I need to wait until I can get off this merchant ship and into an escape pod or something. I also need to know where those energies are coming from and why they are getting closer. Maybe they got my distress signal? I don't know, but I need to find them. 

The ship shakes slightly as something docks. I can hear guards running down the hallway and gunshots echoing through the ship. This is my chance. I use my powers to bend my chains and cuffs and break free. I push the door open with my telekinesis and run down the hallway in the opposite direction. All of the max-security cells are on the far side of the ship from the escape pods. I continue running until I see a figure that looks and feels vaguely familiar I run towards it as it prepares to fight me.

Lance's POV

There were way more unfriendlies on the merchant ship than we thought there would be. Luckily Katie and I are the only ones on the ship, so I can use my magic. I make my way around the ship, helping any prisoners I find on the way to the max security cells at the end. When I arrive, I see that only 1 cell was being used and it's inmate had already escaped. I ran as fast as I could down the hallway to see my vision from last night coming true. I run towards the masked figure and push him down. I stand defensively in front of Katie, who seems gratefully annoyed.

"I didn't need saving Lance. I can handle myself, but thanks," she says. "Well, Katie, since you didn't get to kick this guy's ass, you can get answers out him," I reply. She smiles and walks over. "First, I want your name, or else this will get messy," Katie says smirking. The guy feels relieved, yet scared. There's something familiar about him, but I can't place my finger on it. Then, just before she rips the mask off, it clicks. "Wait!" I shout scaring her. She looks at me saying, "What the fuck Lance?" "This is the member of the rebel alliance! The one from the max-security cell!" I reply. "That was you?" the masked man says standing up. "I thought you were some more prison guards. Sorry about that." He takes his mask off and we gasp in shock. "I'm Matt, member of the rebel alliance." He sticks his hand and Katie starts crying. She pulls her helmet off, making Matt gasp. "Katie?" he says. He envelopes her into a hug. Before I can take my helmet off, some of the guards in the merchant ship come around the corner. "Shit! You 2 run!" I say as I push the guards back and throw them around the room, my eyes glowing blue. "Lance move your ass! You can teleport you idiot! Come on! We got everyone!" Katie yells as she pulls me away and teleports us to her lion. We catch our breath and I pull my helmet off. "Lance? Is that you?" Matt says. I honestly forgot he was here. "Yeah, it's me," I reply, tears forming in my eyes. I hug him and Katie joins us. Then the Green lion shakes. "We must get moving," Green says. "I'll see you back at the castle," I say and teleport to Blue. "Hey girl. You ready to get out of here?" I ask, extra happy. "Yes. I see you were crying, but you feel overjoyed, what happened?" Blue asks as she takes off. I smile at her and say, "You remember when we were talking about Matt, our brother?" She purrs in response. "Well, he was the member of the rebel alliance that contacted us. We found Matt." She happily purrs, "I can't wait to meet him." I nod as I get a call from Keith. "Hey Lance, we could use your over here!" he says. "I'm coming," I reply, getting serious, by which I mean I secretly stress while everyone thinks I'm goofing around. I fly over in Blue and we help take out the last couple of Galra ships the next return to the castle. I can't wait to spend time with Matt and Katie. It's really nice being a family again.

Hey guys! So I'm having a bit of trouble here. I need to know what to do after their reunion in the next chapter. Thanks and enjoy! 😜

Comment here with ideas 🤔🤯

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