04| ladykiller

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Selene has herself wrapped around Hudson, pulling him closer with every step they take in our direction. Hudson on the other hand, couldn't look more bored if he tried. He seems more interested in the beer can he's nursing from. One glance at Damon tells me that he's used to the attention his brother garners, and he's not fond of it in the slightest. He returns my glance and mouths a quick "sorry" as Hudson and Selene sit down on the log beside me. Subconsciously, I scoot to the edge, giving them as much space as possible.

Hudson looks at me, his eyes traveling up and down my body as he takes all of me in. "Who's she?" he asks no one in particular.

Damon opens his mouth to answer, but I make sure to cut him off. "None of your concern."

"She's got balls," he looks at Damon and smirks. "Adonis would like her."

"Adonis likes everyone," Damon responds. "Speaking of which, I should go and find her."

Before I can beg him to stay, Damon gets up and rushes away. Great. It takes everything in me not to cringe as I look at the pair once more. Hudson studies me again, for much longer than last time before he shrugs Selene off and walks away. She takes the opportunity to get up and plant herself beside me on the log, her annoyance hidden behind a pretty smile.

"Oh, Dovey! He's perfect, isn't he?" she says, grabbing onto my arm and shaking me excitedly.

"He's whatever you think he is," I reply flatly.  I can't imagine that she got much out of him, he looked like he'd rather read a dictionary than be with her a minute longer.

Hudson returns, but instead of sitting beside Selene, he sits on my free side. Selene and I share a look and I move to a neighboring log. She's the one who wants to be with him, not me. She scoots closer to him and tries to hug his arm once more, but he just pushes her off gently. Apparently, Hudson can't take a hint because he comes and sits down beside me once again.

I glare at him. "What do you want?"

"Why'd you get up?" he asks. He's close enough that I can smell the alcohol on his breath.

"I was trying to give you and Selene space, seeing as you like each other so much."

He frowns. "Like her? I barely know her. Besides, I want to sit with you."

I feel myself frown, mirroring his expression. "Why would you want that?"

"You're just...different," he murmurs.

I sigh and glance at Selene. Her eyes are narrowed and I can tell that as soon as we get home, I'm never going to hear the end of this. Lucky me. I return my gaze to Hudson, curiosity blooming on his face. The last thing I want to do is sit here and have a long drawn-out conversation with Hudson Whittaker. I get up and walk over to the giant bonfire in the middle, sitting down on the only empty log.

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