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the sound of the door slamming shut made isaac lahey stop his sentence immediately. the light in the room shut off, surrounding the two in complete darkness. olivia dunbar and isaac lahey turned, facing the closed door of the janitors closet. isaac rushed over, his hand wrapping around the door handle and tugging. his stomach dropped as he pushed, the door not budging.

"uh, maybe it locked from the outside," olivia offered, trying to keep her voice calm as she came up beside the boy. he pressed his body against the door, shoving it as he tried to open it.

"no, there's something pressed up against it." he said, fumbling with the handle a few more times before moving away from it.

"okay, uh," olivia muttered, watching as isaac turned her body away from her. his shoulders heaved up and down, his breathing quickening. he tugged his cardigan off, throwing it to the floor as he felt his body begin to overheat.

"no," he mumbled, panicked, "no. no."

"isaac, relax. just relax." olivia said softly, watching as he turned to the door again. he was panicking more and more by the second. the boy leaned his hands against the door, pounding on it with his fist in hopes of catching someone's attention outside.

"come on," he said quietly, taking deep breaths. olivia's eyes widened, watching as he began to pound on the door.

"okay, isaac!" olivia exclaimed, watching the boy in fear and worry. "you're okay! isaac!"

"come on!" isaac yelled, furiously hitting the door and ignoring the girl beside him.

"isaac!" olivia exclaimed, her voice raised.

suddenly, he stopped banging on the door. his hands laid flat on the surface, his head hung low. his eyes were squeezed shut as he took deep breath, trying to control himself.

olivia stepped closer to him, repeating, "isaac?"

isaac quickly turned towards her, his eyes glowing a bright yellow colour, fangs barred. olivia jumped back, a squeal escaping her lips. a low growl sound came from his lips. olivias eyes widened, confusion and fear taking over her. her feet moved back slowly. her heart rate spiked, her body beginning to shake out of pure fear.

"isaac?" she got out, her voice quiet and cracking. isaac moved towards her, his fangs barred as he let out another grown. "isaac, what's happ-"

isaac cut her off, moving quickly as he slammed her back against the shelf unit behind her. her head smacked harshly against one of the shelves, a cry of pain escaping her lips.

"isaac!" she managed to yell out as he grabbed at her wrist.

his hand wrapped tightly around her wrist, his claws digging into her skin. the girl let out another cry of pain, glancing down. blood began to trickle out of the wound. olivia tried to fight against him, her eyes squeezing shut as she fought. only isaac was too strong. her vision began to blur from the tears pooling in her eyes as his claws pressed deep into her skin.

olivia was confused and scared out of her mind. she couldn't even register what was happening. the boy had turned into some kind of absolute animal. his eyes were glowing and he had claws and fangs within a second. and said claws were digging into olivia's skin, drawing blood.

the chaos rising • stiles stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now