eight • motel california

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"the last time i had seen scott act like that was during the full moon," allison explained. she had just told us, including stiles, about how when she was showering earlier, he came in the room and was acting weird, he didn't seem like himself.

"yeah, i know, he was definitely a little off with me too. actually, it was boyd who was really off. i watched him put his fist through a vending machine," stiles explained, looking up at us.

"see! it is the motel," lydia said, looking at us with wide eyes. "either we need to get out of here right now, or someone needs to learn how to do an exorcism asap before the werewolves go crazy and kill us." lydia snapped, pulling out a small bible from the bedside table.

"okay, just hold on, alright?"stiles commented, raising his hand up. "what if it's not just the motel? the number in the office went up by three, right?" he asked, looking over at me.

i nodded. "yes."

"you mean like the three sacrifices?" allison questioned.

"what if this time it's three werewolves?" stiles repliec, looking between three of us.

"scott, isaac and boyd..." i mumbled, my voice trailing off.

"maybe we were meant to come here," stiles added.

"exactly!" lydia exclaimed. "so, can we get the hell out of here now? please?"

"wait, hang on, let me see this," stiles muttered, taking the bible from lydias hands. he opened it up, pulling out a piece of paper between the pages.

"what is that?" i asked, moving to stand next to him and looking over his shoulder.

"28-year-old man hands himself at the infamous glen capri." stiles read out loud, looking down at newspaper article. he placed it on the bed, allison leaning down to get a closer look at it. stiles shook the book, different pieces of newspaper articles falling out from between the pages. a pit grew at the bottom of my stomach as i looked at the papers and read the titles.

"look at these two," lydia said, grabbing two of the papers. "they both mention the room 217."

"these are probably all the suicides that happened in this room," i guessed, looking between all the papers.

"and if every room has a bible..." allison trailed off.

"there could be articles in all the rooms," lydia finished, nodding as we all stood straight.

"that's a beautiful thing," stiles hummed. "most places leave a mint under the pillow, this one leaves a record of all the horrible deaths that occur."

"what if the room next door has the one about the couple?" lydia asked aloud, looking behind us at the door to our room. stiles eyes widened, running towards it and pulling it open. lydia, allison and i all followed as he rushed out, going to the room next door and jiggling the handle.

"what? that was not locked before."

"forget it, we need to get scott, isaac and boyd out of here," allison spoke, shaking her head. stiles turns and looks back at us before rushing past. a sigh escaped my lips as we turned to follow, quickly stopped from the sound of a saw coming from behind the door.

"i'm not the only one who heard that, am i?" lydia questioned hopefully, staring at the closed door. i swallowed thickly, shaking my head.

"it sounds like someone turned a handsaw on," allison guessed, eyebrows furrowing.

"handsaw?" stiles exclaimed in shock, rushing over to us and standing behind me. i looked at him with wide eyes, a look of worry growing on my face as he looked at me with panic in his eyes. stiles pushed past us, fighting with the handle before finally deciding to ram his body into it, the door flinging open.

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