eleven • the painful truth

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it had been a week since boyd's death, the aftermath was hanging heavily over all of our heads. the full moon was less than a month away, giving us little time to figure out how to stop kali from attacking derek, isaac and cora. which was exactly why the last thing i had expected us to be doing was meeting at the high school at midnight.

lydia had texted scott, stiles and i to meet her at the high school because she was having another feeling. the same feeling she got before she found a dead body. when i had received the text, i was quite shocked. i wasn't as close to lydia as i was to allison, the last thing i expected was to receive a text from the martin girl telling her to meet her at the school. unlike the other, i didn't have my own car so i had to ask stiles to bring me. he had picked me up within 5 minutes and within another 5, we were both climbing out of the baby blue jeep.

"where is she?" i asked, looking at scott as he gets off his motorcycle.

"over here," allison called. i turned at the sound of her voice, walking closer to her and lydia.


"it's the same thing," she replied. "same thing as the pool. i got into the car heading somewhere totally different, and ended up here. you told me to call you if there's a dead body."

"you found a dead body?" stiles asked, his eyes widening.

"not yet," lydia replied.

"not yet? what do you mean not yet?" he questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. "lydia, you're supposed to call us after you find the dead body."

"oh, no." lydia replies, shaking her head, "i'm not doing that again. you find the dead body from now on." i understood her reasoning. if it were me, i wouldn't be wanting to find a bunch of dead bodies either.

"how are we supposed to find the dead body?" stiles asks, arguing with the girl, "you're always the one finding the dead body!"

i shook my head, looking over at allison as she does the same as me. i hugged my sweater tighter to my body, attempting to warm myself up. if i knew it was going to be this cold, i would've worn a jacket like allison had.

"guys," scott interrupted, catching our attention. "i found the dead body."

i stepped closer to them, following his line of view. a gasp escaped my lips, bile forming in my throat once again. on the schools sign laid a lifeless body, arm hanging over the side with blood dripping down it. my hand clamps over my mouth, stepping back at the sight. i jumped at the feeling of my back hitting somebody's chest and i turned quickly, looking up at stiles as his hands reached up to rest on my shoulders. he looked down at me with wide eyes, a shaky breath escaping his lips before he looked back at the body behind me.

that night when i had returned home, it was hard for me to sleep. i ended up calling isaac, talking his ear off to distract myself. at some point, i had fallen asleep on the call and so had he. when i woke up the next morning, my phone was dead and i still felt extremely nauseous as the image of last night discovery replayed over and over in my head.

"how you doing?" stiles asked, looking over at me as i climbed into the passenger seat of his jeep. he had offered once again to drive me, not wanting me to ride the bus to school.

"how do you think?" i replied, pulling my seatbelt across my body as he starts the drive to school. i had huge bags under my eyes and my body felt heavy, craving nothing more than to be able to get a good nights rest. stiles nods in response, looking out the front window.

when we had arrived at school, stiles had spotted his dad speaking to the principal with another deputy. he stops, grabbing my arm to pull my back as he his behind a pole.

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