nineteen • catch a scent

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"isaac!" i mumbled, shaking the boys shoulder in attempt at waking him up. stiles and scott were going to be here soon, and my parents, or liam, could walk into my room at any minute now.

isaac groaned, his eyes fluttering open and meeting mine. a soft smile made its way on his lips as he looked up at me. "i could get used to this."

"oh, hush," i mumbled, fighting back the smile as i felt my cheeks heat up. "isaac, no," i whined, trying to get out of his grip as he pulled me closer to his body. "you need to go."

"why?" he mumbled into the pillow his arms secured around me.

"because scott will be here soon, and my parents could walk in at any second, they can't see you here," i replied, trying to move his arm off my waist. "isaac."

"i'm comfy."

"and i'm hungry. now, get up," i replied, smacking his shoulder gently. the boy groaned, moving his arms from around me and rolling flat onto his back, his arms moving over his eyes.

his hair was messier than usual, his curls bundled on top of his head. his body was warm, which had made me spend most of the night trying to get the blanket off my body because i couldn't unwrap his arm from around me. i was literally boiling, and i honestly thought i would explode from being so hot. the comforter came up to just above his waist, his upper body on full display to me.

"i can feel you staring," isaac hummed, his arms moving to his sides as he turned to look at me.

"i was not," i mumbled, sitting up and pushing the blanket off me. "now get up, get dressed, get out."

"you're very sassy in the morning," isaac pointed out, standing to his feet as well. i watched as he leaned down, grabbing his shirt and pulling it over his head. damn.

"so i've been told," i hummed, smiling softly at him as i walked over to stand in front of the boy. he looked down at me, towering over me due to our height difference. isaac was at least six feet tall, and i was only five foot two.

"i'll see you later, maybe?" he asked, a soft smile on his lips.

i nodded my head at him. "hopefully."

"hopefully," he repeated, nodding as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into him. i smiled, moving to stand onmy toes to reach up and wrap my own arms around his neck.

"bye," i mumbled, pulling back. heat rose to my cheeks once again as he pressed a light kiss to my cheek before heading back out the window. i let out a soft sigh, moving over to it and closing it shut behind him before pulling my curtains back over it.

i quickly brushed my teeth and my hair, deciding to leave it natural as i knew that stiles would be here soon. i applied a quick coat of mascara and lip balm before moving to get dressed. i quickly changed out of my pajamas and into a pair of dark blue jeans, light pink shirt and pulled on my old pair of white vans. they had dirt and dust marks all over them, showing that i took no care of the poor things, but i have had them since grade nine, so cut me some slack. i gave up on cleaning them after awhile.

my phone vibrated and i rushed over, pulling the cord out of the bottom of it and checking who had sent me a text.

10:01 am
    are you awake?? stiles and i are on our way
10:03 am
    i hope you're awake because we're almost there and stiles doesn't seem to happy over you not answering his texts
    he hasn't stopped complaining to me since he picked me up so i hope you're awake and your phone is dead so that i can tell him "i told you so" for once
10:07 am
    i also hope that you aren't actually sleeping
10:14 am
    please hurry up and come outside because stiles is ready to quite literally drag you out of your house for this

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