twenty-five • illuminated

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you would think that things between stiles and i would be a little less tense now that he had told me part of the reason he was acting so cold towards me and that it wasn't necessarily anything that i actually did, but it seemed to do the opposite. i thought it would've made me feel better, but it didn't. all it seemed to really do was make me feel even more frustrated and annoyed with him and possibly even angry towards him.

he said i hadn't done anything wrong, yet he wasn't acting like i had done anything right either. he told me that me being... something with isaac was part
of the reason, but why? why did he have a problem
with isaac and i? i knew he wasn't very fond of isaac but that couldn't be it, could it? and what was the other part?

no matter what it was, i couldn't see it being a good enough reason to act like such an ass towards me.

"olivia?" i shook my head, ridding myself of my thoughts to look over at isaac in the back of stiles' jeep.

when stiles came to pick me up this morning, he seemed happy and looked like he was in a good mood, that is until he saw isaac leave the house after me. his smile dropped and he made it clear he wasn't happy about having to drive him, he also then proceeded to remain silent for the drive to school.


"we're here," stiles spoke up, causing me to look over at him. "we've been here for five minutes."

"really?" i asked, my eyebrows knitting together before i looked outside of the window, my eyes landing on the school building in front of us. i was so deep in my thoughts i never even realized we had arrived.

"yeah," stiles replied, getting out of the blue jeep.

"oh," i mumbled, getting out as well and waiting for isaac. stiles locked the doors before he made his way inside, leaving isaac and i as he did so. i let out a sigh, walking into the building beside isaac.

"i have to head to my locker, i'll see you later?" isaac questioned, looking down at me.

i nodded, a soft smile placing itself on my lips as isaac pressed a kiss to my cheek before brushing past me and down the hall behind me to his locker.

i made my way to my own locker, opening the metal door swiftly and letting out a sigh. i was really hoping that schools would be cancelled seeing as in we still had no power, but i was out of luck when i was informed by my mom that there was in fact school today. i was exhausted because of the events that took place yesterday, not to mention what had happened to isaac was slowly eating away at me and if i didn't tell somebody soon i think i might explode. i had been up until almost four in the morning because my mind was swirling with thoughts of isaac and stiles and i couldn't seem to calm it down for even five seconds.

i knew that i had some sort of feelings for stiles that were definitely more than just friends, but i also had a big feeling that the only girl stiles had eyes for was lydia, even if she didn't feel the same way. but i also had feelings for isaac, and i knew he had feelings for me, too, why else would he kiss me, or sneak into my room at night? but i just couldn't seem to keep my mind off of stiles stilinski and the moles that littered his face, or his smile, his hair. i couldn't get my mind off of him unless i was with isaac, or we were trying to solve some supernatural mystery. honestly, it all made me feel terrible.

"olivia?" i jumped in my spot, my eyes widening as i turned to face allison.

"hey," i replied, rubbing at my eyes to try and rub away my thoughts and the sleepiness.

"is everything okay?" she asked, her face laced with concern.

i looked around the hallway quickly in order to make sure that someone from the pack wasn't around to overhear us, even though some of them had supernatural hearing and would probably be able to hear me anyways.

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