Chapter 17: The Day After

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The UHN Opet was isolated near the edge of a distant nebula. The pink gas cloud was the remnant of some ancient star that exploded long ago. For Raavi, he knew that the time was coming to a close. The incident at the Artifact was something that he would remember for a long time.

He was in his room naked on the bed as he waited for Opet to come out. She was busy taking care of her hair and ensuring that it was still tied up the way that she preferred. He was used to seeing her naked, but each day, her belly only got bigger. It was the constant changes that were going on with her body that he was all too aware of.

"Hmm.....hmmm," Opet remarked as she was looking at the refrigerator. "I don't feel too hungry than I have been the last couple of days."

"Surprising," Raavi replied as he wiggled his feet. He looked at them closely as he flexed his toes. A part of him still wondered about something that bothered him, but he quickly pushed it away as he always did.

In the living room, the display was showing some sitcom that he was used to watching with Opet. Depicting a Yuki actor, it was some boring romance flick that he was never into that much but apparently watched on New Olympia. It was only natural that a world of people had their own shows that they made and observed. Unfortunately for him, the show was little more than a soap-opera with typical clichés. He would only glance at it to see a moment where the lead actress was swooning and holding onto her rat-like tail with the cheesy music played in the background.

"I will say this," Raavi remarked. "New Olympia really needs to improve on its shows."

"I never really got into them either, but.....I am still wondering if Celina is going to fall in love with Matthew's brother by accident."

"Ugh....Even Sethos's movies were better than this. I can see why Akari likes watching it."

She seemed to pause for a little bit as she swung her crocodile tail. "Perhaps you will get a chance to meet him," she replied as she patted her head. She looked at a reflection of herself as she posed to it. "How do you think I look?"

He turned over to look at her. He gave a nodding look of approval. "Like a fat hippo."

"Hey!" Opet said as she walked over to him. "That isn't fair that you keep putting kids into me."

"And it isn't fair that you keep them in you either," he said as he folded up his arms.

She could see him on the bed as she would bounce around a little bit.

"You seem happier than usual," he said.

"I have news for you, husband." She explained. "After all the data from the Artifact, the council and Fleet Admiral Yuki both believe that the ship should return home."


"Yeah," she nodded with a sigh. "They were happy to see us alive, but the council wishes to review the information for a little while."

"At least we managed to get over ten months of exploration done."

"According to Fumi, they are going to keep the Artifact a secret from the UWA for some time."

"Why am I not surprised?"

She nodded again. "Akari has been reviewing the information we analyzed yesterday. It was definitely a part of something much larger before something tore it apart. It might have been an egg or spherical in shape, but she needs to study it. This information right now is deemed to be too much to bring up to the UWA. It surprisingly more about us than the Artifact itself."

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