Chapter 3

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Thank you guys for still reading my story!

Nadine Pierce

"What?" Dad asked while yawning and blinking his eyes a few times. I must take quite a time to think this through.

"I said, take the offer, Dad. I'll be marrying the grandson." I looked directly into his eyes. "But I want you guys to tell Natasha that they want me, not either one of us. It'll be easier like that. I don't want her to worry about this too."

"But Nadine," Mom interrupt, "Are you sure about this? Shouldn't you need a few days to make a decision like this? We are not forcing you to marry the guy, and besides, he's paralyzed,on a wheelchair! I don't want this to be like last time Nadine..."

My heart pained at her words. I don't like to be reminded about last time. It makes me want to blame everyone; Mom especially, for everything that had happened. I know now it's not entirely their fault but I keep having this feeling of hate and anger whenever they brought up the subject. Dr.Lee said the feelings are a way of my body trying to protect myself from harm, well in my case; from my emotions, so that I'll not blame myself for everything that had happened. And it is not right; to have that hateful feelings towards the ones you love. That's why I'll try to change the subject whenever Mom or Dad talk about last time.

"Well, what do you want me to do? I don't think we have any other option to save this house. Lets get real, even if Dad manage to get a job, both of our pay won't be enough for all of us. Sure we'll survive, but barely. I doubt that you guys can stand living with just barely. We've already so used to have everything and get anything that we want." I explained to them. They need to be realistic, and Dad always need to be reminded that he's not in he's thirties anymore. Being fifty-five, he should be retired, or work from home. A few people of his age has already had a grandchildren, for God's sake!

"About the guy, well... let me worry him myself. But I request one thing. If I'm gonna get married to the guy, I need to get to know him first. I don't want to get married now. Can you arrange that for me? Because the last thing I need is people having thoughts about me getting into a shotgun marriage."

"Ok, I will let Madame Beckett know this." Dad pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked so exhausted without his glasses. "I want you to know, Nadine, that it's hard for me to make you choose. Your decision will save this family in expense of your happiness. I -"

"Hey, don't say that." I cut his sentence. "Think positive, remember? You and Mom always told us that. I haven't meet this guy yet and you already worry about me being miserable in my marriage life. For now, let us all get some good sleep knowing that this house isn't going to be anyone else's but us."

I was halfway climbing the stairs that my Mom asked the most important question that made me awake all night.

"What about Andrew?"

Oh shit.


I am the worst girlfriend ever. How can I even forgot about Andrew. I was too caught up in the family's situation that he didn't even cross my mind when I made the decision just now in the kitchen. What should I do about him? I'm not gonna go back on my decision. Although Mom and Dad didn't say it out loud, but I know deep down inside their hearts, they kinda hope that one of their daughters accept the offer. Their humans. Not angels. Humans get to be selfish even with their own kids. And that I truly understand and I didn't hold anything against them.

Whatever happens, family comes first.

I flopped down on my bed, what just happened in the kitchen keeps replaying in my head. I'm trying to make myself believe that my life just took a 180 degree turn. I never would've thought that this sort of things can happen to my own family. If anything happens for a reason, well it better be a good damn reason! Wiggling myself comfortably so that I can go back to sleep, my eyes glanced at a photo of me and Andrew that I tuck at the edge of my mirror frame.

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