Chapter 4

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Author's note: I am so sorry for my long absence. I'm graduating dental school this Thursday! Yeayy~ Hope you'll like this one. - Raine.

Nadine stared at her open closet. The day that she'd been dreading all week is finally here. The more we don't want something, the faster they come at us, she thought while skimming through all her clothes along the rack. Her mother always complaining that she has too many clothes to fit inside the medium sized closet, but here she are, contemplating on what to wear for her first meet up with the Lydia Beckett's grandson.

"Careful, if I didn't know you better, I'd say that you're trying to impress the guy." A familiar voice greeted her by the bedroom door.

"Toshie!!" She squealed her sister's nickname; surprised at her presence in the house. "I didn't know that you'll be coming home. When did you arrive? Wait, I thought you said that you couldn't come home this month because of your final year project? Is everything okayh?" She shoot Natasha with her questions, not giving a chance for her sister to answer any of them.

"Are you done?" Natasha asked her big sister, while rolling her eyes. "You happened, obviously." She replied, subtly letting her sister know that she's found out about everything. She moved her figure by the door and stand in front of a full length mirror situated at the corner of the room, checking out her outfit.

Nadine gazed at her sister's reflection in the mirror. No one would have believed that they are sisters by blood. If she could materialized their differences; they could be like the West and East. They look so different in many ways, but the obvious would be their features. Nadine will look exactly like the younger version of their mother; if it's not because of her dark brown hair that she'd inherited from their father. Compared to her sister, she had all the dark features. Dark hair, dark eyes, naturally tanned skin... Natasha probably had the best mixed genes among their siblings. Her wavy black hair and beautiful blue eyes has captured many hearts, but she oftenly left them to pieces with her cold attitudes.

They had different taste in clothes too. Nadine always go for a sweet, demure look with all the dresses and skirts that she has too many in the closet, while Natasha always find herself comfortable with jeans and jackets. There's this one time during high school that they decided to swap their outfits for a day, the amount of staring they got is enough for them to secretly swear never to wear each other's clothes ever again. The only one thing that they would probably have in common is their interest in cosmetics.

"Stop making my mirror shatter itself with your prettiness, little sister."

Natasha spun around her heels and rolled her eyes at her sister's remark. She brought her feet to the edge of the bed and sit beside her sister. "Are you sure you wanna do this, Naddy? You know there's no turning back on this right?" A worried look plastered on her beautiful face.

"Yes. I chose this. For the sake of us all." Nadine replied earnestly, while looking at her sister's eyes, trying to find that glimmer that told her Natasha understand why she must do this.

Natasha squeezed her sister's hand and said, "Nadine, if you just say the word, I would gladly snatch you away, right now and run off together. We can go on a roadtrip, just like we used to talk about when we were little. Not caring about a thing in the world."

Nadine raised her eyebrows at her sister's confession. "You know that's not possible. I can never do that to Mom and Dad. This is the best option we have in our hands right now. I know that you care for me, Natasha, but thank you for your suggestion." Their two years of age difference is one of the reasons they can understand and care for each other. They're bestfriends, and has the best sister relationship.

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