❥ VI

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❥ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪx

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❥ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪx

Suna stepped outside answering his phone. I could only hear faint noises coming from Suna.

"Well, don't let Elias escape...". Suna's fainted voice spoke from behind the balcony door. Only small sentences and words were audible. "If he escapes, it's over, and...". The voice became lower as he moved around.

As I looked out of the window, I could only notice Suna's facial expressions, and how they weren't as cheerful as before.

I noticed Suna's phone call ended when I heard the balcony door being slid open. "Sorry about that, Y/N.". He wiped his hands on his sweatpants, making eye contact with me.

"It's fine.". I moved my hands around in front of my chest.

"Y/N, about the rules, I just wanted to make sure—". I quickly placed my hand over his mouth, making sure he wouldn't speak anymore.

"You made your rules up, so it's my turn to make rules up this time.". I smiled at him, "One, you're going to tell me exactly who you are, and that includes your full name, and your real job. Two, If I'm going to stay here, I want a phone.". I removed my hand from his mouth, stepping back a bit.

I waited for a response as Suna stood there with a blank expression...until he began to laugh. "That's not how this is going to work, Y/N.".

"It is.". I kept on smiling, not breaking eye contact with him.

"You're annoying the shit out of me, Y/N.". He scoffed, rubbing his temple.

"I know, but it's all going to be worth it in the end.". I cupped my hands together, holding them below my chest.

"Do you want to know who I am?". He moved closer to me, "Because, when I tell you, then I really can't let you go...". He moved his hand around my waist, pulling me in closer.

"Oh, I'm sure.". I whispered in his ear, smiling to myself.

As soon as I moved back, Suna's lips met with mine. He kissed me aggressively, but passionately at the same time.

My hands wrapped around his neck, my fingers tangled in his hair. We both began making out, aggressively.

He moved my body back, hitting the door of the bedroom. He lifted my leg, his hand resting in my thigh.

His hands began moving up my shirt, his cold hands rubbing against my skin.

ring. ring. ring.

A phone rang in the distance, causing Suna to pull away. "I have to answer that, Y/N.". He let go of my leg, removing his hands from under my shirt.

"We'll continue this another time.". He gave me a quick kiss, his phone still ringing.

He took his phone, answering it in front of me this time. I rubbed my lips with my index fingers. I still stood in front of the door, watching Suna.

"I told you not to let Elias escape—?". Suna was quickly cut off from the man on the phone, all Suna did was nod.

"You better find him, or you'll be right after...". Suna hung up the phone, tossing his phone on the bed. "Shit." Suna cursed under his breath, rubbing this back of his neck.

"Are you okay?". I moved my hand to comfort him, only for him to slap my hand away, gently. "Whose Elias?".

"You're not allowed to say that name in this house, okay?". Suna looked down at me, eyeing my body.

Suna forcefully grabbed me, pinning me onto the bed, his body hovering over mine. He began kissing my neck, leaving marks all over, "S-Suna—". I tried to push his body off of mine but he wouldn't budge.

"Shut up, please.". He moved his lips onto my collar bone, leaving more bruises and marks.

"Suna, stop—". I pressed my hands on his chest. Suna pulled back, resting his hands on the bed.

I sat up, my hands tugging on the sheets, "What's up with you? One second you're horny and the second you're frustrated and mad!".

"Who said I was horny?". Suna tilted his head, his eyes landing on mine.

"Oh my gosh, you're not horny?". I spoke sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "No, but seriously—".

"Why are you so interested in my life, Y/N?". Suna had a small smile on his face, his hands placed behind him.

I just shrugged my shoulders, not knowing what to say or even do. I had no idea why I was interested in him.

"You win, princess.". Suna shifted his body around, standing up from the bed.

"My name is Rintarou Suna, I am 26 years old and I run a gang in Tokyo. ". He placed hands in his pockets, smirking at me.

"Like, you do illegal work?". I asked him, hugging my knees to my chest.

"Exactly.". He responded, moving around the room. "That's why you heard Kita and I scheming last night.".

"Right...". I looked down at the white bedsheets below me.

"Don't worry, Y/N. You're in good hands now, you'll be safe here with me.". Suna walked over to the door of the bedroom.

"I promise...".

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