a/n <3 (pls read)

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hello! i hope you guys are having a wonderful day.

i thought i'd share this with you, as it's important to this book and 'my future books', that i have planned for you guys!

i was thinking about the title of my books, and i name my books after songs but of recently, i've been thinking that most of my books have meanings to them, that are important to me and that's why i write them, and i write because it fills an empty void, and makes me happy.

melanie martinez is one of the most talented artists that i listen to, and i enjoy her music. she sings about real topics, and things that matter, which appeals to me. i think it's a great way to bring awareness to important things.

i've decided to rename this book, 'dollhouse'. which is a song that is about, "a family is deemed as perfect and viewed as perfect, but they're very far from it." i believe it fits suna and y/n a lot. as i get more in depths of suna, (why he's in a gang and does what he does.), and y/n, (her ideals and ethic).

nothing will change abt my writing form, or the story itself.

i also want to say this, as the story gets more intense, and when i say that i mean, what y/n does to learn more about suna. i know she may seem 'stupid' to you guys, but i try to write y/n in a way, where it supports the plot, but where she isn't brought down to a 'toy' or 'useless'. i try to write y/n as independently as possible.

this may be a small spoiler to the book, but what y/n does, later on, will be important, and i get if you find it dumb, or upsetting, i completely understand, but it's the way i feel like she'll get the most character development which is what i hope for.

my end goal is for suna and y/n to have development in a way that they'll understand each other more than anything.

thank you guys for supporting me, i love you all <3.

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