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❥ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғᴏᴜʀᴛᴇᴇɴ

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❥ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғᴏᴜʀᴛᴇᴇɴ

I slowly made my way to Suna's office, contemplating every step and every breath I took...

was this really a good idea?

I took the key out from my jacket pocket, placing it through perfectly as the door opened, revealing his study.

The walls were a dark burgundy, with wooden baseboards. He had bookshelves covering the entirety of the wall and plants placed in the corner. He also had one of those fancy couches and coffee tables.

It was like a 1900s movie set. I took a good look around before shutting the door behind me. I slowly tiptoed to the desk where his computer was.

I sat down in the chair, adjusting my seat as I took a final deep breathe before, opening his computer.

I'd figure there would be a password but to my surprise, there wasn't. He must have full faith that no one would ever come in here.

I reached into my dress, pulling the folded piece of paper from my bra. I quickly unfolded it, being as quiet as possible. I laid it on the table, next to his papers.

My fingers moved along the keys onto the file tab, File 4, Video 3...

The clicker hovered over the file, hesitant to click over it. I stared at the screen for a good few seconds, before finally clicking the mouse down.

I turned the volume down, to the lowest volume. The video began playing, and words couldn't describe how I felt. This is why he wouldn't let me on the bottom floor...

I quickly closed the laptop, looking down at the table. I began opening his drawers, rummaging through his things.

I shut the drawer to his desk, standing up. I quickly left his study, passing by the bedroom I had left Kita in.  Although, I heard nothing. I was worried but I was more concerned over the 'basement'.

I ran down to the basement door, the place that I was feared. After that video, I didn't know if I could ever look at Suna the same. I know I'll get hell for this but I want to know everything.

As I got to the door, a brush of cold air overlapped my body as I took a few deep breathes to calm myself. I placed my hand around the doorknob, whispering to myself.

I turned the doorknob around, pushing the door open as to find a plane ordinary room, except the walls were stone-like and the floor was a pavement. As there was a single chair in the middle of the room.

I looked up, to the corners of the room to find small cameras pointing directly towards the middle. There were two doors in the room, on opposite ends.

The room was spotless, clean like nothing ever happened although it was the most sketchy.

I slowly walked over to the chair, tracing my hand above the armrest, where there were nail marks embedded.

So he really does torture people in here, with a smile too.

I'd remove my hand from the chair, taking slow breathes as I tiptoed across the room, observing everything in sight, taking everything in.

That was until I heard footsteps behind the closed door...

The door slowly creaked open, and I was hoping it would be Kita rather than Suna but my hopes were quickly shut down when Suna walked through the door.

He slowly walked in, shaking his head as he stopped in his tracks after closing the door.

"You like the room Y/N?". Suna spoke up, leaning against the door. He traced his fingers along his neck, over his tattoo.

I kept my mouth closed, my jacket hanging off my shoulders. I stood behind the chair, resting my hands on the top.

"I never figured you out to be the type to seduce a man to get what you want, people call that—". Suna spoke in an alluring tone before I interrupted him.

"Shut up, for once. All you ever do, is insult people, and get them to do what you want! You're a terrible human being. A liar, a thief, a manipulator.". I took a deep breath before continuing, "Would you like me to continue?".

A smile grew upon his face as he began laughing, hysterically. "You think I care about what you have to say? Do you think I care about you? All you are is a nosy bitch who can't stay out of anyone's business.". He walked closer to me, his shoes making that tapping noise.

I slowly moved back, as Suna made his way around the chair towards me. I turned around, running for the door but Suna had grabbed my wrist, pulling me onto the chair.

"If you're so interested in this, then let me show you what it's like to be in this chair.". He had tied my wrists to the armrest, and my legs to the chair as well.

"Tell me, do you want me to start with those pretty nails of yours or would you prefer it if I started with the thigh?". He traced his fingers along my arm as he whispered into my ear.

"What are you—". He put his hand over my mouth as he walked around the chair, crouching down in front of me.

"Enough talking or I'll have to put something over that pretty little mouth of yours.". He moved his hand down to my chin, lifting my head as my neck became exposed to him.

"Such beautiful skin. What a shame that it will be ruined soon enough.". He continued speaking in an alluring tone like before, laughing at every chance he got.

Minutes passed by, and all he did was admire my body and features in the utmost disgusting ways, threatening to hurt me or ruin me but he never actually did.

A sudden sound had vibrated throughout Suna's phone, he immediately stopped roaming his hands around me, pulling away. He pulled out his phone, scanning the caller ID.

He groaned a bit, rolling his eyes. "I'll be back.". He had walked out of the darkroom, leaving me alone.

 He had walked out of the darkroom, leaving me alone

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