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❥ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇ

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❥ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇ

I strutted out of the bathroom, quickly walking back to the kitchen so Suna couldn't catch up. I turned the corner, spotting Daichi and Kiyoko talking to each other.

Kiyoko turned her head around towards me, showing a smile. "Hey Y/N! What happened?".

"Oh, nothing. Just talking about the house and all...". I sat down on a stool by the counter, turning it around so I'd be facing Kiyoko and Daichi.

"Where's Suna? Is he okay?". Daichi placed his drink down, lifting an eyebrow.

"Yeah, he's just fixing his hair. He gets fussy about it.". I giggled a bit, grabbing my drink from the counter. "He should be out in a few.".

A few minutes pass by, as I and Kiyoko continued to chat, sometimes Daichi chime in, but others he'd stay silent. Suna came in a few minutes after we began talking, he walked over to me, placing his hand on my lower back.

"It's getting kind of late.". Daichi mentioned as he checked his watch. "When are we eating?". Daichi looked up at Suna.

"Oh, I was hoping Y/N could make something but, she's an absolute mess in the kitchen.". He joked, wiping his buttoned shirt down.

"Maybe, Y/N and I could whip something up real quick.". Kiyoko mentioned, standing up. "I don't mind.". She cupped her hands together, walking towards me.

"No seriously, I can't even make eggs-". Kiyoko grabbed my arm, gently pulling me behind the counter, to the fridge.

"Okay! What should we make?". She scanned the fridge, looking for ingredients.

"Maybe, you could make a salad?". I shrugged my shoulders, leaning on the counter next to her. "Or chicken.". I sighed, fidgeting with my hair.

"That could work, with pasta too. It's a very simple meal. I'm sure it'll turn out good.". Kiyoko began taking ingredients out, placing them on the counter. "Y/N, where's your seasoning cabinet?". Kiyoko turned over to me.

"Over there.". I pointed to the cabinet above the sink, leaning on the counter. "What can I do to help?". I moved my hair out of my face, looking at Kiyoko.

"I'll work on the chicken, if you want you can make the pasta or salad.". Kiyoko smiled before turning back around, continuing to season the chicken.

"I guess I'll make the salad for now.". I walked around, grabbing the ingredients for a salad.

20 minutes pass by, and most of the food is done, besides the chicken. We set up the table, placing forks, knives, plates, etc.

"Hey Y/N, can you go grab the boys for me. Dinner will be ready shortly, so by the time you bring them here, it'll be done.". Kiyoko turned the stove off, removing the pan off the heater.

"Alright.". I placed the last plate down, making my way towards the balcony, where Suna and Daichi were. I opened the door, stepping out.

"Yeah, but I'd prefer if you didn't tell him. I wouldn't want him finding out about the drug plan.". Suna's back was faced towards me.

"Oh, hello Y/N.". Daichi peered over Suna's shoulder, causing Suna to turn around. Suna made eye contact with me, causing a shiver down my spine. I hope he doesn't say anything about this...encounter.

"H-Hi, I just came out here to tell you that, dinner is ready.". I waited for a response by the door, avoiding Suna's gaze.

"We'll be right in.". Daichi spoke up. I turned around, making my way back to the dining room area.

"Are they coming?". Kiyoko looked up from her seat. All the food was set, and it smelled great.

"They should be here shortly.". I sat across from her, resting my hands down on the table. "Hey, Kiyoko.".

I noticed her expression changing, from being smiley to worried. "Hmm? Is everything okay? Is something bothering you because I—".

I quickly interrupted her, "No, everything is okay, I just—". I removed my hands from the table, moving them beside me. "Does Daichi keep anything from you? Serious topics about his work or life?". I tilted my head, resting it on my hand.

"Yes and no.". Kiyoko's smile faded away, as she leaned back in her chair. "He keeps the very important things private, but—". As Kiyoko began speaking, Daichi and Suna both walked in, standing at the door frame.

"The food looks great.". Suna walked over, placing a kiss on my head. He sat next to me, moving the chair inward.

Daichi moved over to Kiyoko, pulling the chair closer to her. "Thank you, Kiyoko, and Y/N for the great meal.". Daichi gave a charming smile towards me, looking back at Kiyoko. We all began eating and enjoying our time together...

 We all began eating and enjoying our time together

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i don't really do a/n's but, i'm so sorry that this chapter is short. i've been quite busy lately, but i promise that faster updates will come soon, (around the beginning of may). and the book will become WAY more interesting too. love you all! thank you for the support<33

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