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❥ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴇɴ

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❥ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴇɴ

A few hours after we began eating dinner, we all moved to the living room. Suna placed his hand on my thigh, gripping them lightly.

I shifted only a few times, leaning back more onto the couch. My eyes were groggy, and my legs tired.

It was nearly midnight, and they've been here for hours. Although, I'm not complaining much. I enjoy Kiyoko's company a lot, she's sweet, smart, and generous. I couldn't even imagine how a man like Daichi could settle her in.

He sounded like a total dick.

I tapped my foot lightly onto the wooden floors, my hand crossing over my leg. I glanced over at Kiyoko a couple of times.

I mainly wanted to finish our prior conversation before Daichi and Suna barged in. I'm too curious and interested to let this topic slide.

"As I was saying—". Daichi began explaining his story to us. I quickly leaned up from the couch, interrupting Daichi.

"Kiyoko!". I cupped my hands together, turning over to her. Everyone's eyes went on me, waiting for me to continue. "I just remembered, that I—...". I stuttered on my words, quickly thinking of an excuse. "I need help with a dress—! Yeah, a dress.". I nodded my head a couple of times.

"A dress?". Kiyoko tilted her head, her hand leaving Daichis'.

"Y-Yeah! I need you to take a look at it if that's okay.". I looked at Kiyoko's hand, which was fidgeting with her hair.

"Alright.". She smiled at me, standing up. I looked over at Suna who gave me a sharp glare. He slowly removed his hand off of my thigh, letting me stand up.

I motioned over to Kiyoko to follow me, leading to the bedroom that Suna and I shared. I closed the door behind me, turning around to Kiyoko. "So, where's the dress, you were talking about?". Kiyoko looked around, taking his the scenery.

"I didn't need to talk to you about a dress...". I admitted, waiting for Kiyoko to look back around.

"Oh.". She whispered, her back facing me. "Is it about, what we were talking about in the kitchen?". She turned her head around a bit, tucking in a strand of her hair.

I just nodded my head, taking a step closer to her.

Kiyoko turned around fully, pursing her lips together. "Well, as Suna, Daichi is the head of his group. They both may seem like nice guys, but they're not.". Kiyoko shrugged, sitting down on the bed. "Daichi is a criminal, so is Suna.".

"Well, I know that much already. I'm more interested in what they do, as in-". My sentence was stopped as the door was opened from behind me. I turned around, seeing Suna and Daichi at the doorway.

"Sorry for the intrusion, but Daichi and Kiyoko have to go.". Suna spoke from the doorway, a sweet smile on his face.

"Right.". I put my hands behind my back, looking at Kiyoko. "Thanks for the help with the dress.". I smiled at her, as she got up. She wiped down her dress and made her way to me

"It was nice meeting you Y/N, hopefully, we can meet again soon!". Kiyoko gave me a small peck on my lips, smiling. She moved back to Daichi.

I was left surprised, but happy at the same time. I turned to Suna, who was already following Kiyoko and Daichi out of the room.

I took a deep breath, before relaxing my shoulders and arms. My body was quite sore in all honesty. I walked into the bathroom, locking the door.

I took my dress off, laying it off to the side. I took my undergarments off, tossing them onto the ground. I stepped into the shower, turning the shower on.

The cold water hit my body. The water getting warmer and warmer by the second. I want to know more about Suna and his lifestyle, which includes his work, and I especially want to know about that basement...

but for now, I'll leave it alone.

As soon as I was done, I stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel from the closet. I wrapped it around my body, walking out of the bathroom.

I stopped in my tracks as I saw Suna sitting on the bed, looking at me. "Suna?". I tilted my head, staring back at him.

"Y/N.". Suna stood up, beginning to unbutton his shirt. "I was waiting for you to finish,".

"Oh, well, you can go in the shower now.". I watched him, as he pulled his shirt off leaving him shirtless.

"Oh, I wasn't waiting for you to get out of the shower.". He looked over at me, his eyes exploring my covered body.

"What?". I tugged on the hem of my towel.

"What were you and Kiyoko talking about in here?". Suna crossed his arms over his chest.

"The dress?". I looked around, before looking back at Suna.

"Lying to me now?". Suna walked closer to me. He stopped in front of me, clicking his tongue. "I don't like liars, did I ever tell you that?".

"No, but I don't really-". He put his lips on mine, catching my words.

He moved one of his hands on my waist, the other on the back of my neck. He slid his tongue into my mouth, his dancing with mine.

"Suna-". I pulled away for a second, catching my breath. His hand slid through my towel, feeling my bare lower back.

"Y/N, let me break you.".


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