Chapter 4 An Awakened Dream

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(This is Kayumi. Just picture her with a couple burns and cuts.)

*back in Japan*

It was 36 hours later. The man was putting fresh bandages onto the girl's wounds when he heard a knock at his door.

The quickly checked the girl's pulse before going to answer the door. On the other side was a man in a red kimono. He had long brown hair and dark brown eyes. His hair was up in a ponytail.

"Nî hâo Kiku,"

"Kon'nichiwa Yao, did you bring the others?"

"Shì de, we are all here."

"Good, please, come in."

"Xièxiè," replied Yao.

Shortly following Yao was a man who wore no expression, but looked pretty mean. Following him was a much jumpier and and happy man in a blue and white kimono. Following him was a girl in a orange and white kimono, and a cherry blossom in her hair. Smiling contently, but showing worry in her eyes. The last to go in was another girl, this time in a green kimono. She looked much stronger than the first, but still looked just as worried.

"Thank you all for coming," Kiku stated.

"So, what's going on? You sounded so panicked on the phone," Yao asked.

"Last night this girl showed up here..."

"Why do you say this like it's a bad thing?" Asked the man in the blue kimono.

"She passed out at my door..."

"Again, why is this bad?"

"She was bloodied, cut, burned, and has a broken leg."

"WOAH! Japan, I never thought you could be so kinky."


"Ow! The fuck was that for Yao?!"

"Can you be serious for more than 2 seconds? Why don't you be helpful for once and go check on the poor thing," Yao scolded.

He muttered something under his breath and went to check on the girl.

When he entered the room a gasp escaped his lips.

She didn't look as bad as the first night, but she still looked really beat up.

He decided to take a closer look and thought he saw her eyes twitch.

He got closer, almost to where their noses were touching when suddenly her eyes snapped open.

Before he could react she had already punched him in the nose, hard.

He stumbled back and ran back to the others.


They all turned and ran into the room she was sleeping in.

"Ok... Who's idea was it to let him invade my personal space," the girl stated calmly.

The men all turned to the man in the blue kimono.

"Sorry, I thought I saw your eye twitch and wanted to investigate. I didn't expect you to wake up, though to be fair you didn't have to break my nose."

"You could have gotten a closer look without getting that close... I thought you were about to kiss me."

Kiku snapped his head in the man's direction, the glare he gave sent shivers down all of the men's spines.

"Anyway," he began, "would you mind telling us your name."

"Kayumi, what's all of yours?"

"I'm Kiku, and this is Yao," he said pointing the the man in the red kimono.

"Nín hâo."

"This is Wang Jia Long, you can call him Leon," Kiku said pointing to the sturn/mean looking man.

"This is Im Yong Soo," he then pointed to the man in the blue kimono and said with enough venom to kill the world three times over.

"This is Lin Yi Ling," he said gesturing to the girl with the orange kimono and the cherry blossom in her hair.

She simply smiled and waved, relieved to see that she is ok.

"The last one is Maylin," (Vietnam apparently doesn't have a human name so I made one up. :P) he said now gesturing to the girl in the green kimono who nodded in acknowledgement.

"It's nice to meet you all, well, most of you..."

Im Yong Soo shivered slightly still holding his bloody nose.

"Now what exactly did I break?"

"Your leg was twisted in an abnormal way. It was pretty badly Broken. It's healing now though."

"Good, well, if my leg is broken I mind as well sleep. I won't be able to do much anyway, right?"

"Yes of course, you must rest. Just let us know if you need anything," Yao offered.

"Arigatō," she replied as she laid her head back down to rest.

As the rest of the men left Kiku thought he heard her mumble something in her sleep...


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