Oh hey...?

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3rd Persona

Peter had just entered the labs, and just as Erin had said, Izzy and Libby were arguing. Peter quickly walked over with the mission of making them friends again. "Okay what's going on?" He asked the two.

"Well Izzy seems to think that she missed and the decimal after three but i say that she didn't and now were arguing because she think shes always right!" Libby whined like a 3 year old.

"Yeah well I am right!" The other girl said.

"Sorry but both of you are wrong. The dynamics is the question and the question is the dynamic and the dynamic is to do with the decimal but the decimal does not go after three as it goes with the dynamics of four." Pete said. At the girls clueless faces he just sighed and walked over to the board solving it for them. "Do you get it now?" He asked.

"Oh that makes so much more sense now that I think about it!" Izzy said. "Sorry Libby" 

"Oh it's fine i'm sorry too. Thanks Mini boss, you're a life saver." Peter smiled and left the two friends alone and walked along the corridor to the main labs. 

After walking for about 3 minutes and waving the other people he reached them. Walking inside he went straight for Dr.Davis who was in charge of the projects. "Hi Mr.Davis sir!" He smiled at the man.

"Oh Hi Pete, if you're wondering where I put your project, its in the private storage cupboard over there" The man said before turning back around todawrds his own project.

"Thanks Mr. Davis!" Pete walked over to the cupboard and took out his work. He was making a robot but it was a pet. It was a robot pet for the people who are allegic. Right now, he was working on the dog one. He put on his glasses so he could work on the equations without a board and started on the project. 

A few hours later he started to get hungry so he stood up, cracking all his muscles and stretching as he did so, and made his way up to the penthouse. He walked into the kitchen and started raiding the frdge for some of Buckys cookies. That man can cook. He finally found them and started to eat them. After he finished he put the plate in the sink. 

He continued down to the gyms and decided he would have a little workout. He ran to the changing rooms and put on some shorts before walking out into the workout area to see Nat and Steve. "Heyyyyy" He said walking over to them.

"Hey Pete I was just leaving so you can spar with Nat" Steve said before walking out. Nat and Pete just shrugged and they started to fight. Ten minutes later they were still fighting as if it was a dance of tangled people and they did not notice the company at the window. About two minutes later Peter finally had Nat pinned down.

"Not bad mini spider" Nat said, taking Peters hand and getting up. She quickly noticed the company at the window and tapped peter on the shoulder. Said boy turned around to see his class staring at him gobsmacked.

The class rushed in with the approved hand of Nat and just stared at Peter, waiting for some answers. 

Peter couldn't process what was happening and only two words came out of his mouth.

"Oh hey..."

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