A Decisive Battle

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Hey! I am back after my slight hiatus. I'll be honest with you, I got in an excellent mood, and I just didn't feel like writing. I also got sluggish and didn't want to do anything. But as my life always is, I got depressed, and here I am. My therapist thing didn't work out. I love my therapist, but she apparently couldn't work anymore in New York state, so I lost my therapist, and I was transferred to another one, and she was literally the worst, so I gave up therapy. I mean, not forever, but I don't really have the patience to sit through interview after interview after interview after I thought I found the perfect one. So I'm just going to not do it for a while. I'm just satisfied. Slightly upset but satisfied in general.

Time really does fly. I've been writing this story for almost a year already, which is crazy. But I've been thinking about time recently. I feel like an old lady saying this. But I'm going to graduate college in a year. And I'm going to become a teacher in a year. Exciting things. I also really want to move out of my house. However, it's costly in New York City. But that's where my school is, so I have to stay here. And I also really love the city a lot, so I don't really want to move either.

Anyway, enough blabbering on for me. I wrote this chapter between yesterday and today, and it's been pretty good. It's long as usual. I think I wrote 11 pages I can't remember. And I'm too lazy to recount them again. I don't know if I did it justice like I did the other chapter, but I think it's good enough. When I originally wrote this story, I was definitely writing to show rather than just telling. Still, as the story has digressed, I have been telling more than I've been showing, and I'm kind of upset with myself for doing that, but it's really painstaking to continue showing all the time. It's just tough to write like that. But I'll try the next chapter. I tried a little bit of this chapter, but I don't think I quite got it.


While Remus and the children were running away, nobody gave chase. Voldemort let them go. For now. They were carrying an injured person, and they were leaving a trail of blood. It's not like he couldn't find them. He had more important things to handle at the moment. The prophecy, to be exact. The prophecy that a Death Eater was handing straight to him.

"My Lord, here is what you've sought after for so long." He said a bit dramatically while handing it over with a slight bow.

Voldemort smirked and pocketed it in his robe. He looked over at the Death Eater that was still smoking dead on the floor. And he looked at Bellatrix's haggard with blood coming from her head. He also looked at the pool of blood that was on the floor across from him, missing the body that was supposed to be in it. He was curious. To defeat two Death Eaters and one of them being Bellatrix, was impressive.

For an average wizard. It was a pity that he was fighting for the wrong side. But it wasn't that much of a pity because Voldemort didn't know what he was missing. There are strong wizards and witches in every generation. One or two more didn't make a difference. It wouldn't change the tide of the battle.

So it wasn't really of any concern to Voldemort. It was a pity that he was strong and he was fighting for the light, but honestly, he was just another stone in his path that needed to be kicked aside. No trouble, especially since he was going to be dying tonight. As well as Harry Potter. Not saying anything, he started stalking forward, following the trail of blood.

Once Voldemort and his motley crew were gone down the next hallway following the path of blood that Merlin left behind while Remus was dragging him. That's when Dumbledore and Kingsley and a bunch of Auror's showed up. It was a sight to behold; a battle obviously took place here. But all the people were gone except for one dead Death Eater. And the way that he died was extremely weird.

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