Chapter 4

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After the trial

Kokichi's POV.

Korekiyo was the one the be executed. I can't believe he killed them, I trusted him. Then again he thought he was doing something for his sister. I hate that woman.

I sigh and walk back to my dorm, I hoped that Tomoya was still there, but he wasn't. I looked around the room, in the bathroom, under the bed, everywhere. I began to panic, thinking the worst.

"Tomoya?!" I shout, no answer, "he's just playing, yeah, just playing" I began laughing out of fear and started searching the halls, screaming 'Tomoya'. Suddenly I felt a small tug on the sleeve of my shirt, "papa?" A little voice said. It was my five year old.

"Tomoya?" I said, he nodded. I sighed and knelt down to his height, "You scared me, what happened? Where were you?" I asked " Sorry papa, you were gone for what felt like hours and I wanted to find you" I gave him a half smile and brought him into a hug.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't realize how long me and daddy were gone" I said, Tomoya nodded and broke from the hug.

"Where were you?" He asked, my eyes widened slightly, "You'll learned when you're older" I said, laughing nervously. Tomoya gave me a skeptical look and started skipping toward the dining room. I followed him, making sure nothing happened.

In the dining room all the remaining students were in there. Himiko was crying at a table by herself. It was understandable since her girlfriends and best friend were just brutality executed and murdered though it was upsetting to me that no one was comforting her.

"Hey Tomoya, go with Seiji and daddy okay?" I said, he nodded and skipped toward his dad and brother. I walked the opposite way toward Himiko. I sat down next to her and rubbed her back, "hey, you doing okay?" I asked. She wiped her eyes, "why do you care?" She mumbled. I sighed and brought her into a hug, "because you're sad and I don't want you going into a depressive state." She pulled from the hug.

"There's no way someone like you would ever care about someone else without someone telling to." She said, I rolled my eyes and brought her back into the hug, "just cry okay. I can assure I'm doing this because I want to" I could feel Himiko's tense body relax and she let herself go. All I could hear for a while was crying. I felt stares on us.

" What? " I asked, " you really are the perfect person to be a parent. " Shuichi said, I blushed slightly, " sh-shut up, I'm just comforting her. "  I replied as I rubbed the magician's back. Soon I heard her quiet down.

" You asleep? " I asked quietly, " n-no but I'm getting sleepy" she said, I nodded and picked her up," I'll take you to your room".

When I walked out of her dorm I felt soft lips on my cheek, "I love you" Shuichi said. I could feel my face heat up, "I love you too" I mumble back making my beloved detective chuckle.

"Let's head back okay?" I nodded and we walked back to the dining room holding each other's hands.

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