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We started walking to find his friends but we didn't said anything during the walk. We got there and I saw a girl with brown hair and a ginger boy.

"- wait I saw you before"

I said directly looking at the ginger boy.

"- I'm Ronald Weasley but you can call me Ron"

"- I'm Hermione Granger, nice to meet you."

"- Nice to meet you guys"

"- So she is alive, Harry."

Hermione said looking into his eyes.

"- Yes, she is."

"- Why you didn't you tell us??!!"

Hermione asked and I saw the look on his face so I answered.

"- I asked him not to, I didn't want people knowing that I was still alive.."

"- Why?"

Ron asked and he seemed confused and to be honest I was too. I didn't know why I was answering when it should be Harry.

"- I don't wanna talk about it"

Hermione: Okay well welcome to Hogwarts

Ron:- yea welcome!

"- Thank you"

Hermione: Do you want us to take you to your dormitory?

Crystal: No need to but thank you

Then I left to find my dorm and I got lost. I should had accepted but then I heard someone talking to me.

"- Your new right? Do you need help?"

A girl with black hair and the clothes from Slytherin said.

Crystal: well yea. I'm Crystal Potter.

"- Nice to meet you, I'm Pansy Parkinson, well let me help you the Gryffindor dorm is this way."

Crystal: Actually I'm on Slytherin and I can't find my way there.

Pansy: A Potter on Slytherin??!! This will be interesting. Well I guess we'll be roommates. This way.

She took me to the Slytherin Common room, it was nice and when we got there I saw some familiar faces.

Pansy: Guys this is Crystal Potter. Crystal this is Gregory, Vincent, Zabini and Draco.

Gregory: Just call me Goyle.

Vicent: Don't call me Vincent, I prefer Crabbe.

Zabini: please call me Blaise darling.

The blonde one just kept his mouth shut and didn't said a thing. He rolled his eyes when the Zabini boy called me 'darling'.

Pansy: Draco say hi to Crystal.

Draco: Why? And it's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy by the way.

"Nice to meet-"

Before I could finish my sentence, he left. He looked like he didn't care about me anyways, I don't really care about that anymore.

I started to get ready for class.

~Crystal is staring at Draco's rings in potions class~

Crystal: I like your rings.

Crystal: Looks really nice.

Ron: Crystal, are you coming?

Crystal: Yes of course.

Crystal: See ya Malfoy.

I left with Ron. And while walking:

Ron: Why are you even talking to Malfoy???

Malfoy heard everything and left in a hurry.

~Owl brings Crystal a letter the next day at breakfast~

(That day Crystal was having breakfast at the Gryffindor table).

Hermione: Bit early for mail isn't it?

Ron: Well open it!!

Hermione: It's a ring.

Ron: On a necklace?

While I'm reading the letter.

Hermione: What does it says?

Crystal: " The ring is on a necklace. It's too big for your fingers. Wear it. It looks better on you anyways."

Ron: Who is it from?

Crystal: I don't know *Blush*

Draco was watching Crystal put the necklace on from the Slytherin table.

I was looking at the necklace trying to figure it out who had gave it to me.

Ron: Look at her she fell in love with a stranger.

Crystal: Oh shut up Ron.

Crystal: I'm just thinking about who could gave it to me.

Harry: Maybe someone from Slytherin. *says a little bit mad*

Crystal: Slytherin?

Harry: Well only them wear rings..

Ron: Then it's definitely Crabbe or Goyle.

Crystal: Thank you Ronald. *sarcastic*

~ The day of the Guidditch World cup~

Crystal: This will be fun.

We were going up the stairs when I saw Draco.

Crystal: Oh hey Mal-

It was when I saw that he was without one of his rings.

Hermione: What's wrong?

Crystal: I-

I got a flashback from the potions class and when I got the ring in the necklace.

Hermione: Crystal??!!

Crystal: I- I'm..fine..

Crystal: Let's go.

Hermione: Hm okay.

I saw Draco looking at me as I left..

Is It A Dream? - Draco & Crystal.Where stories live. Discover now