Dabi x Gender Neutral!Reader: Birthday Special!

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(I thought it was unfair to only have female reader one shots so I'm making gender neutral and male reader versions of the current reader-inserts I have out right now. At least, until I make any new reader-insert one shots.

Like the original one shot, this is an 100% clean drabble. Nothing but absolute fluff here. I just have a dirty joke or two in here that might trigger any pure souls in the audience. Like the rest of the content in this book, I will have profanity in this one shot because we're dealing with Dabi and I'm 99% sure he cusses on a regular basis.

I made sure this drabble's theme song was also extremely fluffy and cute. As usual, you can play that song at any point in this one shot or not at all, but I suggest you start listening to it at the beginning.

If none of the warnings bother you, feel free to read to your heart's content. If you want to skip reading this one shot, I don't mind. Enjoy a fluffy date with Dabi and making him feel loved! :3)

Barbecue Boi getting Birthday Barbecue: Gender Neutral Version


"(Y/N)? Where are we going, little mouse?" The villain, Dabi, asked his boyfriend curiously. "Don't take off the blind fold! Trust me, you'll love it." (Y/N) (L/N) reassured him excitedly. Their lips curved into a smile as they continued dragging him by the hand up the hill. The sun was setting as they grew closer to the hill, which was a few blocks away from the League of Villains' hideout. "Almost there! Just a couple more steps!" They exclaimed and trudged their feet uphill.

A sigh of relief escaped the young man's lips when he saw that the food on the gray blanket was completely untouched. (Y/N) moved the styrofoam boxes of barbecue take out closer to their lap as he sat on the picnic blanket. They moved the birthday cake they bought for Dabi next to the take out. (Y/N) gently pushed Dabi so that they were sitting beside each other. He thought they were going to do something else and couldn't help but tease (Y/N) about it.

"It's a little early for that. Don't cha think, little mouse?" The villain joked. He was smirking with his blind fold on, knowing that they were a flustered mess over it. Their boyfriend blushed shyly and sat criss cross applesauce. "Okay, you can take off your blindfold now." The (h/c) person blurted with a giggle, scooting closer to their boyfriend affectionately.

Dabi's turquoise eyes twinkled with surprise as he looked around. "You didn't have to do this, little mouse." He muttered and tenderly cupped (Y/N)'s face with one hand. "It gets better!" They leaned into his touch for a moment. "What else did you do?" Dabi frowned slightly. "You like it, right?" (Y/N) pouted, afraid that he didn't like his surprise.

"Fuck yeah! I love it, but I don't want you to be doing too much for me." Their boyfriend answered. He beamed at his approval, put the styrofoam box on his lap and opened it. "You got pulled pork and onion rings?! My favorite kind?!" The villain smiled even more, glancing at the inside of the box. "Yeah! I got so many little containers of barbecue sauce, the lady at the restaurant asked if I was collecting them." (Y/N) giggled sweetly. "You did more, didn't you? I see that little bag and that other box over there, little mouse... You seriously didn't have to do so much for my birthday." Dabi complained lightheartedly, feeling guilty.

"Yes I did, silly! It's your birthday, you should enjoy it." (Y/N) reassured him cheerfully. "I swear if there's more-" Dabi remarked. "It wouldn't be a proper birthday if I didn't get you a birthday cake. Technically everyone in the League of Villains pitched in with me. Even Shigaraki paid a little bit for the cake!" They babbled, gently moving the cake box to a space on the blanket between them. "You're full of surprises, love." He pressed his lips to his cheek, blushing. "It's your favorite flavor, (favorite cake flavor idk). Oh! And I almost forgot, here's your gift! I got you a gift and everyone else wrote a little memo in the card for you." They crooned affectionately and passed a gift bag to him.

"I swear if Shiggy said I need to get a new stapler-" The villain said lightheartedly. "What do you want to open first?" (Y/N) asked curiously. "Your legs." They obviously responded like a normal person and playfully slapped his face. "You can't have one wholesome moment in your life, can you?" (Y/N) pouted. He chuckled and rested his head on her shoulder. "I thought we already were." Dabi mused, "Okay, y'know what? I'm sorry about that, I'll open the gift first."

(Y/N) eagerly sat up and their heart swelled as their boyfriend put the bag in his lap. Dabi took out the tissue paper and glanced at them before anything else. "Do you want me to read the card first or open your gift more?" He asked. "My gift," They chirped cheerfully, unintentionally acting like a kid in a candy store, "If that's okay with you. I put a lot of time into deciding what I wanted to get you for your birthday." The villain squeezed his hand and took out the tissue paper from the gift bag. "I swear if this is a ticket to a Sleeping for Sirens concert, I'm gonna be so mad at you." He teased.

"How did you know I needed new hair dye?! A new surgical stapler...and a Hot Topic gift card?! What the fuck, (Y/N)?!" Dabi exclaimed in shock, pecking the loving person's forehead. "I remember you saying you needed to get some new hair dye, and I had a feeling you could use a new stapler. I got the gift card so we could go to the mall together-" His boyfriend explained before getting interrupted. "I'm so lucky to have you in my life..." The villain murmured, holding you closer to him.

"I swear to God if you got help for putting fireworks that say 'Fuck Endeavor' in the sky, (Y/N)." Dabi groaned playfully as the fireworks (Y/N) asked Twice and Toga to light started popping in the sky. "(Y/N) yes." was all he could say as they watched the fireworks together and dug into the barbecue take out.

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