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"Dada Harry! Dada Harry!" Harper and Hannah screaming pointing their two year old chubby fingers at the screen where Harry's face played on. Its been two years since Harry left the earth. And our daughters Harper Elizabeth and Hannah Elaine were born. When they were six months old we officially had a DNA test with them and Harry's mother which determined that Harry is their biological father. I was happy but very upset. The girls father is gone. "Dada Harry!!" Since finding out that Harry was their true father I told them all about him. How much he loved them and was so excited to have them. I told them that Dada Harry their real father and Daddy Niall is their other daddy.

They since have called Harry Dada Harry and Niall, Daddy. When the press caught hold of that they have not been kind. They said I haven't been grieving, that i never loved Harry. Which was all lies. I wanted desperately to go on record and tell my side of the story but as Niall pointed out, should I do that I will have to tell about our affair and that would not help anything. So I have kept my mouth shut. Besides, Niall and I know the truth and that's all that matters.

"Dada Harry! Mommy." I looked down at my two beautiful brunette daughters with their big green eyes and dimples they have attained from Harry and smile. "Yes, that's Dada Harry." I said as we stood backstage at the first and last One Direction reunion tour on Harry and Our daughters birthday. We watched as the guys performed with an image of Harry bouncing around on the screen, smiling. My heart dropped as I watch him up there bringing joy to millions of devoted fans doing what he loved to do and wishing how he should be here.

"Now! Wed like to sing Happy Birthday to not only Harry but his beautiful daughters, Harper and Hannah. Come on out!" Liam shouted in the microphone. I held on to their hands and walked out on stage with them. Harper had her thumb in her mouth and Hannah held on to her Harry doll I gave her. As we reached the stage the audience awwed at how much they looked just like him. The amount people in the crowed begun to frighten Hannah, who is the timid one and she grabs onto my leg. Harper runs over to Niall and reaches up for him. We both bend down and pick them up as the crowd and the guys begin to sing.

After the song is done we end it with Harper and Hannah's final message. "Love you, Dada Harry." They blow and kiss to Harrys image and the lights fade.

Our final stop is to visit Harry. On what should be a beautiful day it has been raining for the past three days. As we exited the car and begin walking up to his gravesite it is one of a calming nature and a final one. Calming because I know he hears me. The last night I visited him was with the girls at three months old and out of nowhere a ton of butterflies flew above us. And final because we always leave without him.

Harry Edward Styles
Son, Father and LovingHusband

His headstone read. Three things...Three things that barely defined who he was. I gave the girls each a bouquet of flowers to place on his headstone. "Happy birthday Dada Harry." Hannah said.

"Miss you, Dada." Harper said placing the flowers down.

I watch my girls sit beside his headstone and hug it. That did me in, I tried to be strong for them but every time the hug the stone, I picture Harry hugging them back and it does me in. "No cry mommy. No cry."

"Your right baby. No cry. Mommy wont cry." Niall softly chuckles beside me and wipes my eyes. "Thank you."

"Your welcome. He would be so proud of how you raised the girls. They are such beautiful and smart girls."

"Thank you. But I couldn't have done it without you." Niall smiles at me and brings me into a hug and a light kiss upon my cheek.

"Mommy! Look SUN!" Hannah yelled bouncing upon her toes. Niall and I looked up and saw the grey skies begin to part and give in to a beautiful blue sunny sky.

"Dada! Dada!!" The girls yell. "Its Dada!"

Looking up at the sky I let my tears fall from my eyes and nod "Yeah babies. Its Dada. Its Dada."

"We love you Dada!" They scream over and over. I bend down and scoop the girls into my arms and hug them tightly.

"And he loves you." I rub their backs and give them each a kiss. "Come on. Let's go home."

The end.

Consequences *Harry Styles&Niall Horan fanfic*  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now