Chapter Twenty-Four.

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The walk back to the hotel was a tercherous one. I was sore and swollen from my activities with Niall and had a massive rug burn on my back and my ass. Hopefully Harry wouldn't want to have sex as well cause I wouldn't be able to do it again. I open the door and walk in to see Harry sitting on the bed his head in his hands. "Babe?" I force out my mouth. Its so much harder now to call Harry any term of affection when just a moment ago my legs were wrapped around his best friend neck. Harry hearing my voice looks up quickly and smiles, "Hi gorgeous." He says getting up and giving me a small kiss on the lips. Looking into my eyes I tense up, what if he looks at me and see what indiscretions? What if the once twinkle I use to have for him is now gone and he sees it? My palms start getting incredibly sweaty and my pulse starts racing. I try to calm myself down and tell myself that its OK, Harry doesn't know what happened, no one does. We were cautious. Its all good. Granted that we just fucked out in the open but no one saw. "I love you, Shanti. You know that right? I love you so much, I know we haven't had a lot of time together--"


"I promise to give you more time and attention then I have been. I called Julian and told him that tonightI'm spending it with you. So get dresses because tonight I am taking you out on a date." He says smiling that beautiful dimpled smiled at me making my already racing heart into overdrive. "But the fans, Harry. We can't go out with all the fans." I ask walking pass him. Harry gently grabs my wrist and interlaces our fingers and glides his thumb over my knuckles. "Already sorted. I called in a tip that you and I are out in a blacked out car driving around the city. You and I are safe. We are going out tonight to a nice Italian restaurant and then were going to the Trevi fountain."

"Omg the trevi fountain? I always wanted to go there" I said eagerly clasping my hands together and jumping up and down barely containing my excitement. Harry smiles and takes my hands and kisses them "I know. Tonight is all about you. So go get dressed."

"Why so early?"

"Because I know how long you take to get ready." He laughs. Rolling my eyes I hit him in the arm and get ready


After staying in and playing a game of chess and watching I Married A Witch with my favorite actress Veronica Lake.  I am dressed in a red deep cut v dress with a high slit that shows out my thigh and the black in completely out. My hair is in a deep wave similar to my  Veronica Lake herself. I walk out the bathroom and Harry's eyes nearly pop out of his sockets. " you look."

"Mind finishing your sentence please?" I said chuckling as I toss my wrap around my shoulders. Harry stands up and walks over to me and cups my face in his hands and looks at me "You look stunning. Your the most beautiful women I have ever seen, Shanti. There is no other women that can compare to you."

I look down at my Louboutins only to have my eyes raised back up at him "Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Look away from me. Never look away from me like you think I'm being a tart. I mean it, your the most gorgeous women I have ever seen. I don't know how I got so lucky to become yours but im the luckiest son of a bitch alive." He leans in and kisses me softly not to get lipstick on his lips "Ready, my love?"


We drive to a beautiful Italy restaurant in a black Bentley and sit in our own private room with candles and sip on the finest champagne and eat delicious pumpkin and mushroom ravioli with grated cheese. For dessert we had Zeppoles that Harry could not stop eating. After dinner we walk along the lit Italian streets to the Trevie Fountain that was once surrounded by adoring crowds of people it was abandoned so only Harry and I were the ones there. Which was a little strange. But I thought nothing of it. I was just so blown a way that I was standing in front of something I once only seen in pictures. I drop Harry's hand and walk over to the fountain and gaze at its beauty. " Wow.. Have you ever seen something so beautiful in your life?" I ask

"Yes. And I'm looking at her now."

"Your suppose to take a coin, make a wish and toss it into the fountain. I need a coin." I said holding my hand out behind me, never turning around. I wait for harry to give me one. I feel him place something in my hand so I bring my hand out in front of me and look down. Instead of a coin. I see a ring.

"Oh my god...." Turning around I see Harry down on one knee. " Harry..."

"Ashanti Skye Moore, will you marry me?"

Consequences *Harry Styles&Niall Horan fanfic*  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now