Chapter Thirty-Three.

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"Are you sure you should be wearing white, Shanti? You don't exactly have virtue anymore." Naima said searching through the racks of dresses and pulling them out and looking them over." Pulling a dress off the rack and holding it against my body I look in the mirror and lean my head from side to side as I take in the sight of myself with a wedding dress on. I really am going through with this. I am really going to get married to Harry. I couldn't be more excited to spend my life with him and start our journey as man and wife. No more playing house, it will be a reality. I would get to wake up everyday beside him, make him breakfast frittas he love some much with a steaming hot cup of green tea with lemon and honey. Then down the line raising a beautiful little girl name Darcy and a son name Noah. Just the thought fills me with an unbreathable amount of joy and a smile breaks out across my face. "Shanti? Ashanti!" Naima yells shaking me out of my fantasy and back to reality. "What?" I said annoyed looking at her with my face scrunched up.

"I said are you going to try the dress on and if your really sticking with white?" She asks taking a seat on the metal love seat in the middle of the room. I look down at the dress that looked to ballroomy for a wedding. With a look of disgust I place it back on the rack, receiving a sigh of relief from Naima. "Why shouldn't I wear white? Its not like everyone knows we're having sex?"

"Your marrying Harry Styles. Of course everyone knows your fucking him! He's Harry Styles?! A sex good, he could turn nuns into nemphos!" Naima shouted back at me. Tossing a look at her from over my shoulder, she makes a face "Don't look at me like that. You know I'm right."

"Right about what, bitia?" My mother says coming back over to us with a couple of dresses on each arm. My eyes go big at the sight of them. They were big and poofy and just plain...not my style. "Nothing mommy. Um what's all this?"

"Oh bitia! I found some beautiful dresses for you to try on. You will look like a princess!" She says holding them up. Naima and I exchange glances and frowns. "Um mommy, no offense but shouldn't I be the one picking out my dress? I am the bride after all and I don't really want to be a princess I want to look beautiful and...and" I said shimming a little.

"No sexy. You will look classy. Now try it on." She says handing me the dresses. There's no use fighting her on this. So I take them and head off to the dressing room. Each dress was incredibly heavy and big! I felt like a puff pastry and I could barely fit through the doorway and damn near knocked a vase of flowers off the tables. "Mom, she can't wear that! She looks fat!" Naima yells with a glass of wine in her hands.

"No, she looks beautiful." My mother retrots clasping her hands together and grinning from ear to ear. I stand on top of the pedestal as the seamstress fluffs the dress out. I begin to tug at the middle of the dress and wiggle around a bit. "It feels....tight." I said raising an eyebrow.

"I can let it out for you, if you want, Miss Moore." the seamstress says coming to standing and stands on the side with my mother and sister. "Oh that would be great." my mother says placing the glass she previously picked up back down on the table. And standing up to hug the seamstress. "Mom!" Naima yelled.

"Mommy! I'm not wearing this dress. Look mommy," I said stepping off the pedestal and picking up the dress and walking over towards her, the dress rustling with each step. "I love you and I know you just wait the best for me and make sure I look beautiful for my big day. But mommy, its my day. I do want to look beautiful. But I won't feel beautiful if you're picking my dresses out for me."

"I know," she says takingmy hands in hers, "You're right. Its your day. Whatever dress you decide, you will look beautiful, you'll make Harry jaw drop."

"That's the idea, mommy. So, can I take this god awful dress off? Please?" I laugh. With a nod my mother tells me to take it off and we'll continue to look around. Thanking her, I retreat back into the dressing room and start to peel off the dress but this time discovering that it's suddenly harder to slip off then it was to put on. I can barely get it down off my hips. As I struggle to get it off my skin starts turning red. "What the hell?" I say as I stop tugging and look down at the bunched up dress still around my hips. This is nuts. I'm a size six, this dress says its a six as well so it shouldn't be this hard to take off.

Are you sure your not pregnant? Aishwaryas words replay over again in my head. I lean against the wall the way as the room begins to spin around. No, no. I'm not pregnant. I couldn't be.

Could I?

I'm sleeping with two men, unprotected. Both of which came inside of me. Could I really be that goddamn stupid? Of course I could be! I made plans to visit my lover in France and not tell fiance who will be in the exact place as my lover. I'm pretty damn stupid.

"Ashanti?" Naima calls out as she knocks on the door, "Everything OK?"

Pushing of the wall I run my fingers through my hair, hold in my breath and yank off the dress in one quick motion. Pulling off a piece of skin as I do. Cursing I kick the dress out of my way and throw back on my clothes. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be there in a second."

"OK. Do you want to keep looking?"

"Um no. Let's call it day." I said stepping out of the dressing room leaving the skintight devil dress from hell on the floor behind me. "Harry said once we come out designers will wait to design for me. So I'll wait. Besides nothing here has caught my attention. I know what my dress looks like. I mean I have an idea." I tell Naima, sitting down and reaching for a glass of wine and just as I'm about to take a sip, something in me screams out not too. Hesitating I stop for a second and place it back down on the table.

"You do? What's it look like?"

"Oh um. Mermaid with beautiful lace almost design and flower straps."

"That sounds beautiful, sissy. Have you told Harry? Maybe he'll come out and tell everyone now."

"No, hes publicist Darren wants to wait til after the tour." I tell her tugging my hair behind my hair and looking down at my finger and twirling it around my finger. "He still can meet with desingers so youll have your dream dress for the day. You can plan it, have everything set up. You don't have to announce the engagement. A lot of celebrities do that, you never know they were engaged til you find out they got married." Naima says downing the rest of her champagne. "Your right.. Your absolutely right." I reach into my back pocket and excuse myself to call Harry.

He answers on the fourth ring and I tell him everything Naima says. He remains quiet for a while as he let's my words sink in. "What do you think, baby?"

"I think I'm stupid for not thinking of it myself. But I think we can pull it off." He says from the other line.


"Yeah. I'll call my mother and Gemma and inform them. After our show in France we'll be back in London. You and your family can come out. We'll plan the whole wedding here. We'll meet with designers to design your dress and by the end of the month we'll be married. How's that sound?"  My other line beeps and I click over.

"Miss Moore, your tickets for Paris are already. We will send them to you later today"

"OK thank you." I click back over to Harry, "It sounds great baby. Being your wife is all I want. There's nothing I want more than to be your wife." I tell him as I pull the phone away and send out a text

Got my tickets, I'll see you soon.

A few moments later I received a text back from Niall.

I can't wait to see you. I miss you. I love you, Shi

I love you too, Ni.

I press send. And bring the phone back to my ear "Did you hear me baby? I said I love you." Harry laughs.

"I love you too, baby. So much."

Consequences *Harry Styles&Niall Horan fanfic*  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now