Chapter Four

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I trail into the kitchen after Jonathan and Nathan, setting my half of the munchkins onto the counter. Bum ducks into the fridge, planting a jug of milk to his mouth. He leans against the counter and Boss tosses a bag of shaw’s cookies into Nathan’s free hand. This is a regular occurrence so I head straight to the stereo to blast some celebratory Fall Out Boy. Maybe I should give Rebekah one of my mixes as a gift. A gift! I have to get her a gift! I didn’t even think about this! The sudden sound of laughter lifts makes me turn towards the kitchen from the couch,


“What’s wrong man?” Boss asks with a calm smirk after their outburst. Nathan has turned away and is struggling to keep his cookies in his mouth he’s laughing so hard.


‘Wha-” I start


“I just turn,” Nathan lifts his head to speak, “And I see you sitting with a dumb grin on your face and out of nowhere,” He’s struggling to speak through his giggles, “I see you and you jump in your seat- and have the most scared look on your face- I honestly thought you saw a ghost or some shit.” Jon leans into himself as he chuckles to Nathan’s retelling.


At least I didn’t say anything out loud. After they’re done being stupid Jonathan re-iterates his original question.


“I don’t have a present for her.”


This doesn’t have the slightest effect on him, “Sure you do.”


I look at him hoping he’s gonna pull a fully wrapped gift from a cabinet or something. “Uh, no I don’t.”


“Yeah you do, what happened to that mix you were going to give her? The one you made that day you saw her on the first day of class? Because you were so ‘awestruck’?”


I remember what he’s talking about. When I first walked into class with Nathan and saw her sitting in one of the seats I was shocked. I knew she’s a freshman and didn’t expect her to be taking a sophomore lit class. After that long hour and a half of struggling to pay attention to the board I drove home and started on a combination of her favorite songs and the songs I felt described her. When Jonathan heard it playing from my speakers he said it was definitely one of my better pieces.


“I- I can’t give her that!”


“Why not? It’s heartfelt and original, Beats. Not to mention cheap and already finished. I’m a genius, and you can pay me in munchkins.”


I pause, and pull my laptop out of my bag to check and make sure the songs are okay. You can never be too safe. Sure enough they’re fine and the more I think about it the more I want to give it to her. How do I wrap this?


“You don’t have to, just put it on a flashdrive and stick it in an envelope with a card.”


I sigh with frustration, looking at the wall. “I didn’t mean to say that outloud.” Jonathan and Nate already knows this awkward part of me so Jon just sighs in return and Nathan shakes his head.


“Look, just chill out about the party. You have the munchkins and you have a gift. Bum you’re staying over until seven right?”


Nate turns to him and nods from our kitchen island, which he’s now sitting cross-legged on top of.


“Fantastic!” Jon walks over to the couch I’m sitting on and plops down next to me. He picks up the remote and waves Nate over. “Who’s ready to catch up on Netflix?”


Jonathan forced us all to ask for the syllabus for each class and do our homework at the beginning of each month so we don’t have to worry about it as much. The study sessions are hell every first week but it’s completely worth it for all the free time.

“Put on Footloose.” I tell him as I readjust my seat. Thankfully Nathan sat on the one-person couch so it’s not crowded here.


Author's Note

Hey Guys! I'm so so sorry for the insanely late update! I'll be posting two chapters today! I hope you like them.

On another note, I'm going to be a filmmaker in the future and I'm so used to studying things on a visual and cinematic perspective as opposed to a literary one. I feel like this makes my writing awkward since I try to convey a lot of the info through dialogue as you're forced to in films. I just wanted to say that so you understand why my writing is a bit off, which I feel it has been up to this point.

Awkward and probably unecessary note over, happy reading!


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