Chapter Two

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Lifting myself, I groan as I fall off the couch and onto a strewn pile of rough drafts. I look around in search of the time, hopefully it's not too late.

"Jon?" I call out after I give up, and drop my head back on my essay.


Yes! He's home! "What time is it?"

"Uhhhhh" he trails off, then after a moment of clanging pots,"it's 4:33".

I snap my head back up "4:33?!" Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap

"Yea- well it's 4:34 now. Why when's your class?"

"Shut up! It's at five-"


"-and I'm supposed to meet Nathan 15 minutes before-" I nearly slip scrambling back up, "before class at Dunkin Donuts so we can buy some munchkins!"

"Oh god, hurry up and I'll drive you. The Dunkins on Webster?"

"Yes thank youuuuu" I rush into my room to yank a pair of jeans up my legs in place of my pajama pants and throw my coat on, hoping I look decent enough after that hour-long nap.

"I'm going to heat up the car" Jon yells as he tugs his sweatshirt on and closes the apartment door behind him.

I look through my backpack to make sure my notes from Wednesday's class are there, along with my wallet, phone, and laptop. I strap the thing on and run out the door to meet Jonathan at his car. As I slide into the passenger seat next to him he revs the engine and pulls out of the parking lot.

"So what are you buying the munchkins for?" He asks, "Can't Nathan buy his own munchkins?"

"We're splitting the bill." He chuckles, and I'm slightly hurt by this. "What? What's wrong with splitting the bill on munchkins?"

"I was asking you why, if I remember correctly."

"Because we're dirt-poor college students who want to make a difference in the world by purchasing munchkins for our class."

"Uh-huh, and this doesn't have anything to do with your untouched-crush on Rebekah."

"Alright fine it's her birthday-"

"Her birthday? Wish her a good one for me would you?"

"Sure whatever, don't interrupt my confession. I'm literally looking right at you I can see it when you roll your eyes at me."

"Carry-on with your birthday crush munchkin plan-thing."

"Oh, uh, oh yeah here's the thing. So it's her birthday, and we march into class, heroes of the boring-birthday-I-have-class-what-a-bummer situation. She finally notices me, touches my hand as we both reach for the last chocolate-glaze, our worlds light up and we hook-up this weekend."

"Hook-up meaning..."

"Jonathan don't be a twelve-year-old. We both know that hooking-up means dating. I'm too classy for anything else."

"And Nathan is pro-munchkin hero?"

"That's why he's paying for half his sister's birthday munchkins." I finish with a smug smile.

"Sweet. You owe me munchkins now."


"In place of gas money. You understand the 'dirt-poor college student' situation."

"Uh, yeah sure. Okay."

+ + +

"Yes, two hundred munchkins please."
The Dunkins lady gives me a grimace smothered in attitude and ask me what kind. I tell her 50 of the four main flavors and give her twenty-five dollars from my wallet, which Nathan smoothly intercedes with another twenty-five bucks, while winking at the lady and pushing me aside. Apparently this isn't an alarming action and instead of scolding him she fixes her hair and assumes he's paying with me. I mean, he is, but she can't just assume that.

"Thanks Clarissa, see you later!" He dismisses her over his shoulder while handing me two of the four munchkin boxes. "There you go Beats."

He pulls out a cigarette with one hand, munchkins in his other arm, and sticks it in his mouth. He goes to pull out a lighter but I interrupt his motion.

"Whoa there Augustus Waters, I'll be taking that thank you." I tease as I reach and tear the lighter from his hand. This incites an annoyed but complying smirk. 

"Augustus Waters? He technically didn't even smoke."

"Well then it would do you good to live up to that name. Cancer! Nathan, Cancer! Not fun! Besides we don't need secondhand smoke all over the birthday munchkins. And don't you want to live for your sister's, I don't know 78th year of life?"

He throws his hands up in surrender, one box in each hand and cigarette between his teeth. "Dude, chill." 

"Sure, just don't let me see you pull out another match."

"I'll just chew it like your beloved Augustus." He yanks on the car handle and slides into the back of Jonathan's car. I do the same but sit in the passenger seat instead. Noticing my choice Nathan smiles and turns his body to lie down over both seats. He does this everytime I sit in the front, claiming that the best views are always when you're facing upwards. Jonathan turns around,

"What's up Bum." he's talking to Nathan.

Nathan replies to the roof of the car, hands resting under his head with his legs crossed and bent- munckins on the floor. "Not too much Boss." 

These names have been exchanged since sophomore year of High School, when Nate moved here from LA. Nathan's Bum, cuz he's one lazy mother hubbard, Jonathan's Boss because he's all about being responsible, and I'm Beats because of my obsession with editting music. Conversation about movies playing this weekend begin, and I tune them out and focus on what I plan to do when I walk into the class.


Hey Guys! Quick Author's note, I try to update every weekend. Obviously that didn't go very well this week but I have the book more thoroughly planned out now so it should be easier. Also, I personally don't picture David or Jonathan as certain actors but I definitely see Nathan as Nathan Kress, or Freddie from iCarly. But feel free to give him your own image! That's all I have to say, until the next update!


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