Chapter Three

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It doesn't get any better than tripping into your class, late.

"It's 5:10 gentlemen. Please explain." Professor Escalus folds her arms. Her ability to use her authorital elegance to juxtapose our clumsy entrance is just unfair. 

"Well Professor," Nathan slips in front of me and sneakily hands me his boxes behind his back as he explains. "We couldn't help but notice that it's a certain student's birthday today," He winks at his sister, inciting a scowl. She doesn't notice my dashing smile. "And we simply could not wait to celebrate when we all have class together as a friend circle. So David had the genius idea of making a large purchase of munchkins for the class!" Nathan steps out from in front of me, and I take this as a cue to step out and raise the trophies. I'm a victorious Gladiator. The crowd roars as I prance around the room showing off my build and modeling for Rebekah- who screams and faints. I am heroic. I am mighty. I am, DAVID!

Just kidding. My raised donut holes elicited little response from my 50 student class. There are a few whoops and claps here and there, but not the stadium response I was looking for. There's even a cynic who leans and whispers, "Freaks" as though we were not ten feet in front of her. 

"Unfortunately, Nathaniel and David, food is not permitted in this class. I informed this to you both back in the beginning of the semester. Even in the case of another student's birthday, and especially when you're late. Sit down, and put the food underneath your desks please."

I cannot believe this. Thanks for nothing Dunkin Donuts. I should've known Professor X wouldn't let food slide. I try to catch Rebekah's eye, hoping she'll at least send her sympathetic look my way. She does. Ugh, I know her so well. We have to be soulmates.

After class as I cradle my miniature failures under my arm and exit down the hall, I hear jogging footsteps. My face peered over my shoulder and revealed Rebekah's figure slowing to a stop just two feet in front of me.

"Hey, um thanks for trying to soften up Professor for my birthday. That was sweet of you and Nate." She adjusts the shoulder strap of her bag, prompting me to do the same. 

I crack a smile, relieved she's not embarrassed or mad. "No problem, Happy Birthday." I try to hand her a box but she puts up her hand.

"No that's okay. Bring a box or two to my party tonight."

Am I hearing this correctly?

"You, want me to bring the munchkins to your party?"

"Yeah if they're not gross by seven pm. Don't forget to bring Jonathan, I haven't seen him in a while."


"Ha, sure yeah! He says Happy Birthday actually."

"Really? He remembered?" Confusion wrinkles her face as she tucks a short strand of gray hair behind her ear. 

Cue the nervous stutter, because screw social skills "Yeah, well, no, no I was talking- I was talking to him before class about h-how I was bringing- um, munchkins to c-class for your. For you." I pause to rethink my sentences and she shifts awkwardly waiting for me to get to the point. "And he was like, 'What it's her birthday no way tell her happy birthday would you?' And I was like, 'Ok whatever man.' So, yeah."

"Um, okay. See you at seven, the House of Blues. There's gonna be a group of us waiting outside until 7:30." She turns and walks down a separate corridor. 

As soon as she's disappeared around the corner I can't help but punch the air with my fist because HECK YEAH I'M MEETING HER AT SEVEN.

Oh man, I've got to tell Nathan and Jon!


Author's Note!

Hello! As you can see  can't follow a posting schedule. I'm sorry! Enjoy your reading my darlings :)


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