8. Second thoughts

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Addys POV

I woke up this morning in Louis arms. I didn't want to move. I wish I could stay like this forever. In his arms. I checked my phone. My twitter had blown up. Word had gotten round and everyone was tweeting me good luck and goodbye. I then remembered that I would have to go to school and ask for time off. Considering me and the principal don't get along this was going to be hard. I then scrolled further down my twitter to see Louis had tagged me in a tweet. It had a picture of all of us sleeping.
I looked at Louis sleeping and didn't want to wake him. I slowly, sadly, pulled myself out of Louis grip. I tiptoed my way through the maze of bodies all over my floor. Wait that sounds like I'm some psycho killer. As I got to the end of the boys I did a little celebration dance. I was shocked when I heard a raspy chuckle and shot my head to the kitchen door. Harry was standing in the doorway. Shirtless. I couldn't help but scan my eyes over his chiseled abs " Like what you see?" I heard him say in a low raspy voice. I bit my lip. He was hot but I didn't get the same feeling when I looked at him as when I looked at Louis " It could be yours" he said as he made his way towards me. He was towering over me. inches between us. " Harry I-"
" Shhhhh" He interrupted placing a finger on my lips. " I know you have a thing for Louis." he said " And you looked cute last night" I smiled at the thought of last night. " But I'd much prefer you next to me" he said snaking his arm around my waist. " Harry I-I-I can't" I stuttered trying to escape his grip. " Addy you can" he muttered as his lips crashed against mine. It wasn't like when me and Louis kissed. that kiss was soft and warm and it gave me butterflies. Harry's kiss was rough, forceful and uncomfortable. " Harry" I said trying to push him off me. " No" I kept saying through the kiss. " NO" I shouted as I pushed him of me. " What" he asked as if nothing happened. There were tears in my eyes " What the hell dude?!?!" I heard someone say our heads both turned to the boys were Niall was holding Louis back. Louis was crying. I didn't realise but the tears were rolling down my cheeks. I ran up to my room not looking back. I burst through my door and collapsed onto my bed crying my heart out. Louis probably thinks me and Harry are a thing and that I'm a cheater and I really like Louis. Harry ruined everything!!


I woke up and the first thing I saw was Addy's celebration dance. she so cute! I was about to get up when I heard a chuckle. Harry emerged from the kitchen shirtless as usual. I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying. I tapped Niall and he woke up we were both listening intently. Harry put his arm around Addys waist and pulled her closer. She looks uncomfortable. I shot up. Harry crashed his lips onto Addys. Why was he doing this? I could only make out one sentence " You and Louis are cute, but I'd rather you were next to me." Addy was trying to push Harry away. I stood up I was about to run at Harry. Niall held me back. " NO" Addy screamed pushing Harry off her. She was crying. Why was Harry doing this ?
" What the hell dude?!?!" I screamed. Niall kept ahold of my arms. Addy ran to her room tears streaming down her cheeks. " Niall go look after addy." I said " Keep her upstairs" I said sending death glares towards Harry. I really hated him right now. Niall ran up the stairs. I waited until I heard the door slam. I ran at Harry knocking him to the floor " Why the hell did you do that to her Harry ?!?!" He flipped over
" Because she deserves better than you. And I'm better than you. She just doesn't see that." This hurt. maybe she did deserve better than me. But that didn't mean Harry deserves her. " Harry she doesn't want you though you can't just force her. You made her cry. You made her cry and you expect her to love you how can she if -" I couldn't finish what I was saying when I felt a fist collide with my eye. " Louis give it up." Harry said after his fist smashed into my eye. He climbed off me and stormed into the kitchen. I wanted to go and see if Addy was okay. But after what Harry said I felt as though she didn't like me that way. I walked toward the front door slamming it as I left. I don't know were I'm going but I need some time to think about things. I feel bad for not checking on Addy but I needed some time to clear my head. I was walking through the streets thinking about Addy. Eventually I found a field. It's grass was long and green. I jumped over the fence and sat in amongst the grass trying to think of what I was going to say to Addy.

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