3. The idea

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A/N so the picture above is aqua just to let you know and I hope you like this chapter


When I saw one comment that nearly made me drop my phone but not because of what it said but because of who it was... " No Frickin way!!" I screamed as I walked into the dance studio with aqua "What? What?!" She asked me I turned to look at her and screamed " LOUIS TOMLINSON COMMENTED ON MY SINGING VIDEO!!" Oh my god Addy breathe. Don't pass out. Don't fan girl. I was jumping up and down screaming and now Aqua was too. Layla walked through the door and froze in the door way "What the hell did i miss?!?" She shouted over us " LOUIS TOMLINSON COMMENTED ON MY VIDEO" I screamed back. Layla dropped her bag and came running over to join us. After another 10 minutes of fangirling we finally calmed down. " What'd he say?" Aqua asked eagerly " he said" I cleared my throat. " Wow Addison you're amazing I've heard a lot of girls sing and you are by far the best. I hope I can meet you one day. Big love babe Louis Tomlinson xoxo" I can't believe this. " That is insane. See addy I told you you could sing." Layla said pushing my knee " Hey come on let's rehearse the routines" Aqua said; we had double free period so that meant two hours of dance before lunch. I ran into the back room to get changed. I came back barefoot ready to start "What are we starting with then" Layla asked "How about Uptown funk?" I asked. The girls nodded. I started the music and pressed record on my camera. When I dance I feel like I'm in another world, I can be confident and sassy and not worry about people laughing. We did our routine as we mouthed the words hitting every move pose and beat. after 'Uptown funk' we choreographed a routine to one directions better than words. Halfway through the song my phone rang. I paused the music and walked over to my phone. I checked the caller idea and it was a foreign number it looked like a British number. " Hello?" I asked, " Oh yes is this miss Addison May James" A woman said she seemed nice but I wasn't sure " I'm sorry who is this?" I asked nervously
" Oh how rude of me I'm Jane from fret records. My boss saw your YouTube video and would like to set up a meeting." I was shocked someone wanted to sign me this is insane. I just can't believe this but that would mean leaving my friends family, my life behind. I couldn't do it "Well thank you. This is such a shock" Then I remembered where I had heard of this company. Every artist they've ever signed has had some big scandal and is now either dead or in jail "But I'm sorry Jane I can't take it. You see your company has a very bad reputation and I'm only 18 I'm still in school. I would like to finish school and -" but this jane girl interrupted me " We will still let you finish your education. If you just give us a go-"
" No because everyone you've ever signed is either dead or in jail. So thanks but no thanks" I ended the call on her. " Who was that?" Aqua asked
" No one" I said walking back over re-starting the music and going through the routine.


Rehearsals were over. and we were back at the house " Hey guys watch this video" I said pulling Addison's video back up on the tv. We were sitting in the living room all sprawled out on the sofas dotted around the room. " Wow she's hot!!" Harry shouted. " Wow back off Styles, Louis liked her first" Niall replied. I looked at the ground biting my lip. Was it that obvious? Did I like her? I didn't even know her but I do want to meet her sometime. Liam walked into the room putting his phone in his pocket " Wow I forgot how good she could sing. She sounds even better than earlier." Liam gave me an idea. " Hey boys why don't we ask her if she wants to be our support act on the tour. I mean she's cute, talented and new." The boys all looked at me like I was crazy but one by one they all started to come around to the idea. But would we be able to find her?

On tour with them ?!? //Louis tomlinson//Where stories live. Discover now