1. The video

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" That I am yours.." I sang into my camara with my eyes closed. " Thanks for watching guys sorry if I'm bad and thank you if you liked it. Maybe I'll do another one I'm not sure. but bye." I waved awkwardly into the camera as I signed off of my first ever singing video. It wasn't even my idea to do it my friends in school said I could sing I don't think I'm that good personally but they said I should anyway.

So my name Addison May James but my friends, well practically everyone calls me addy and I'm 18 and I love music and photography they are my passions in life. the reasons I wake up in the morning, they are just stunning. I have a younger sister and an older brother but he is serving in the war so I don't see him very much and my mum and dad are business people so they're always busy. so that's the basics about me. nothing special am I? I'm just a normal 18 year old. So back to my video. I pulled the camera out of the tripod and brought the video onto my screen. I didn't bother watching it because I knew I'd hesitate and delete it and if I didn't post it my friends would complain. so I took the card out of the camera and walked over to my computer slotting in the memory card and pulling up the video. I opened google and searched YouTube. As YouTube popped onto my screen I saw one directions night changes come up. I smiled to myself. I may have forgotten to mention I may like one direction just a little bit. Can you sense that when I saw little I mean a lot. I giggled to myself as I thought about the video diaries they used to do. snap out of it addy you need to post this video. I logged in to my YouTube account and posted the video. I held my breath as I posted it. I don't know why I always did that guess it's a nerves thing. the video posted and my Dad came into my room. "Addy honey don't stay up to long you've got school tomorrow and you've got surfing after school. I groaned at the thought of it. I hated getting up early but luckily it's Friday tomorrow so it's not that bad. I looked out of my window at the palm trees. I love where I live. Florida is always so beautiful and hot. I guess that's a bonus. The heat. I walked over to my bed and put my phone on charge next to it and set my alarm 6:00am god help me in the morning. I climbed into my bed and arranged my many, many pillows so that I was comfy then pulled my duvet and fleecy blankets over me and scrolled through my Facebook and twitter one last time before I went to sleep.


Why is Britain so cold?! I was packing my bags for America in 3 days time when my playlist finished. I looked at the time 3:00am I should really get some sleep. I looked around at the mess of my room and sighed " ah well" I muttered to myself when my phone went off. Who the hell was calling at this time ? I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see who it was. It was Liam " Hello?" I said like it was a question " Louis oh thank god you're still up third dimension just dropped out of the tour we need a new support act." Liam babbled. Third Dimensions were this awesome girl group and I was really looking forward to performing with them but I guess they have other things planned "look Liam I'm really tired can't we talk in the morning about this?" I finally spoke up
" Yeah yeah sorry Lou I'll speak to you at rehearsal tomorrow. Bye" he said before hanging up. Oh crap I forgot about rehearsal I better set an alarm 6:00am god help me. I better get some sleep even if it's only for 3 hours.


okay so short one to start with if anyone's confused please let me know at any point in the book if any of you have read my other book my name is Katrina this one is a little bit more complicated than that one so if your ever confused don't hesitate to let me know and if you like give me some feedback please if that's possible thank you see you in a few chapters

On tour with them ?!? //Louis tomlinson//Where stories live. Discover now