4. The shock

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After about 2 hours which felt longer than what they were, we found Addison's house number. and then found out she lived in America. Damn. How were we going to ask her now? Liam pulled his phone out and said " Leave it to me lads." After say 30 minutes he came back in a smile plastered on his face. " What've you done?" I asked " I just change out flight time so that if we leave now we can get to America by tomorrow morning" He smirked we all ran at Liam hugging him. " Yes Liam" Harry said
" okay so first things first-" Liam started
" I'm the realest drop this and let the whole world feel it." Niall laughed "what up song reference" Zayn shouted as we started laughing. "Okay okay so are we all packed lads?" Liam asked
" Yeah" we all chorused " I'll drive" I shouted picking the keys up of the table and running towards the door. This was insane we are just up and leaving to America. I mean one direction had been around for nearly 4 years now and I still haven't got used to it. But I guess you don't really do you, you just roll with it. Me, Harry and Niall raced each other to the van. I got into the drivers seat with Harry in the passengers next to me and Niall Zayn and Liam were in the back. We stopped first at Niall's place he grabbed his things and threw them into the back of the van. Then we stopped at zayns then Harry's mine and then Liam's house. We were driving to the airport when we came on the radio, well, our song '18' came on "Omg boys we are on the radio!" I said in shock. We were all talking about stupid things on the way to the airport like how expensive cheese is and things like that. Why does Niall come up with some of the most random conversations? Honestly. We pulled into the airport car park and all clambered out of the car grabbing our luggage and rushing inside before someone recognised us. Liam led us to an isolated check-in and explained to the lady our flight details. Liam gave us out boarding passes and passports you know all the paperwork. BORING!! Liam put our bags on the conveyor belt and they rolled off to the plane. We then made our way over to the bar waiting to be called to our flight " Arcade!!" Zayn shouted as me, him and Niall ran over playing on the claw machines and air hockey. "I won I won!!" Niall was jumping up and down like a five year old holding the fluffy unicorn he just one. " Bro I want one" Zayn said slotting his money into the machine trying to win one but failing. " final call for flight 4962 to Florida America. The gate will close in 15 minutes." the woman on the PA said "Come on boys we'd better board" Liam instructed he definatly Daddy direction. We got to the gate to the screams of teenage girls. We gave our boarding passes to the gate attendant " Hey your one direction." she said
" Yeah we are " Zayn replied with a smile. " Well we've had a cancellation in first class would you like to take those seats" She asked
" Of course how much will that be?" Liam asked " Oh no charge for you boys now hurry!" She smiled ushering us into the gate telling the flight attenders to move us to first class. The attendant looked at us bitterly " Follow me" he said bluntly. It ended up that me, Harry and Niall were together and Liam and Zayn were a few rows in front. I put my headphones in and listened to Addison singing. I can't wait to meet her. The plane sped up and took off. Harry had already fallen asleep. Typical Harry. Niall was watching films so he wasn't going to talk. I decided to watch " elf" even though we are no where near Christmas we are only in May. I ended up falling asleep halfway through the film...


We had been at the beach for about 5 hours now so it was about 8:30 and it was getting dark and I had school tomorrow, and I actually had a decent day. I had dance all morning then drama and photography in the afternoon. " Hey girls in gonna head home I need to do my homework." I lied I actually was really tired from being up late last night and wanted to go to sleep. "Are you sure addy we can take you home later if it's lifts your worried about." Layla answered " No it's fine I only live up the road I'll walk. I'll see you guys in dance tomorrow. Bye" I swam back into shore and put my surfboard into the shed and began to walk home. It started getting really cold. But I guess the fact that I had a pink ruffles bikini on didn't help. I walked up the winding roads to my house singing ' little things' to myself. I walked through my door and walked straight into my mother " you missed dinner I was getting worried" She sighed pulling me into a hug that instantly heated me up " I was at the beach with the girls. I'm really tired now though I'm gonna go to sleep." I said looking up to my mum. I swear she's so tall... and still wears heels, seriously does she want to make me look like a munchkin. "Are you sure your not hungry babe?" She asked warmly. " No I'll skip it tonight. night" I said walking up the winding stairs of my house to my room in the attic. I walked in and went straight to my wardrobe to get changed into my fluffy red pajamas that said 'cross my heart x x x' on them. They were my all time favourite pjs apart from my onesies of course. I walked out of my wardrobe and collapsed into my soft luxurious bed that felt like you were sleeping on candy floss. I put my phone on charge set my alarm for 6:00 am again and fell asleep.

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