Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold (Pt.3)

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Antasma paced around his office. Mimi's entire family had been declared dead, Oitnemid seems to have gone mad, there was a trend. There was always that banker, that priest, that count involved in one way or another. And there was ONE other thing that itched the back of Antasma's mind. They were connected in only one way. The time they conspired to throw their enemy into the Underwhere.

He snapped out of his daze when the door flew open.

"What is it?" Antasma asked, clearly irritated.

He didn't even bother to see who it was, he just knew that it was one of his bankers.

"A supply has been left unmanned on Flopside Tower." The man said.

A smirk plastered itself on Antasma's face.

"That should get my mind off of it." Antasma said, "Gather a team. I'll be back to take them to Flopside in an hour."

Antasma stormed out of his office.

"Of course, traitor..." The banker said under his breath.


A knocking came at the door.

"Who is it?!" Mr.L yelled downstairs.

Ms.D was already rushing to get to the door. She opened it and was greeted by Antasma. She frowned.

"No one, L!" Ms.D shouted back.

She ushered Antasma inside and shut the door.

"What are you doing here?! I thought that we agreed to go our separate ways..." Ms.D muttered.

Antasma chuckled.

"I have just found out that there is a delayed shipment in Flopside. If you come with me there could be thousands of coins worth of salvage." Antasma said.

Ms.D crossed her arms.

"First of all, that's HIGHLY illegal, and I can't afford to get arrested right now, even though I need the money." Ms.D stated, "Second, who's shipment is it even?"

"The Count of Dimension D."

Ms.D's eyes went wide and a smirk crept onto her face.

"I'm in."


It was now dark out. There were several unmanned crates, just lying there, on top of Flopside Tower.

A coach with a small team of people including Ms.D and Antasma stopped just next to the mountain of crates and got out.

"One of you stay with me. The rest of you go with Ms.D to make sure no one tries to stop us." Antasma commanded.

They all more or less nodded and all of them except one ran off. Antasma and the one banker made their way to one of the crates. He pried it open to assess the goods.

"What the..?" Antasma wondered out loud.

He reached inside and pulled out a long rope.

"Why the devil would there only be a rope..." Antasma muttered.

Antasma got kicked square in the back, making him throw the rope. The banker that was with him grabbed ahold of the rope and with one swift motion made it into a noose around Antasma's neck. Antasma gagged as he was threatened to be dropped off of the edge of the tower.

"What?! Let go of me!" Antasma exclaimed, "Leave!"

"On the contrary, I think I'll stay~!" The man replied, "After all, I have to ensure that justice is served."

"That's something very odd for a banker to say..." Antasma said, "Or should I call you by another name? The Count of Dimension D!"

"Not the Count of Dimension D!" He chuckled back.

He leaned Antasma forward making him let out a gag.

"I recommend that you go further back." The Count of Dimension D stated.

"Yes... I know that voice... Where have I heard that voice?!" Antasma exclaimed, "Y-you're that priest that was with Mimi when all of them died!"

He tilted Antasma a little farther, making him on the verge of choking to death.

"Let me give you a reminder~! Try Flipside. Circa 20 years ago~" The Count of Dimension D replied.

"What have I done to you?! WHAT?! TELL ME!!!" Antasma demanded.

"Ah ha ha... You took my job~! Sold me to hell~! Ruined the happiest day of my life~!" He exclaimed, "No? Still don't get it? How about this~?"

He drew a black and white sword and held it to his face.

"Dimentio..." Antasma muttered.

"Ah ha ha... Bingo. And I'm here to return all of your favors~" The Count of Dimension D said, sheathing his sword.

"I hope that you're happy..."

"I will be."

With one shove, Antasma went careening off of the edge of the tower. The noose tightened and Antasma choked to death.

Ms.D watched from behind a crate as the Count of Dimension D telepoted away, a new fear instilled in her mind.

The Count Of Dimension D (DimentioXMr.L)Where stories live. Discover now