Chapter 14: the closet

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♡Viktoriyas pov♡

♡back in the bedroom♡

"What's this?" Dunce face asked as I walked back into my bedroom


"This journal, we see you holding it all the time"

"None of your fucking business"

"Can we see what's inside"

"Do you want to die?"


"That's your answer"

"What's in it? You're like always holding it. Is it like your diary or something?"



"Do you guys wanna play truth or dare?" Mina asked

"What are we in 6th grade?" I responded rolling my eyes

"It'll be fun" Mina said smiling. I just groaned

"Why dont we wear our onesies, it IS fun friday" Mina suggested

"No way" I said

"I brought yours and one for Bakugou"

"You brought WHAT?! When did you go into my dorm closet?"

"Uh... anyways, lets go in your closet and change while the boys can change out here" I rolled my eyes

"I'm not wearing that onesie" I said walking into my closet

"Aw! You're no fun!"

♡after changing♡

I walked out with Mina in a pair of athletic shorts and a random hoodie that I threw on

♡Kiris pov♡

She looks so cute with that Red Ri- Wait... is she wearing the hoodie I let her borrow...

"Okay so are we gonna play truth or dare" Denki asked

"Yeah!" Mina cheered

"Actually? That game is just as stupid as those body blankets" Bakubro said rolling his eyes

"Come on Bakugou" Sero said

"Yeah please" Mina pleaded

"It'll be fun I promise" I added

"Ugh, fine"

"Yes!" Everyone but Tori and Bakubro cheered

♡Viktoriya's pov♡

♡some truths and dares later♡

"Sunshine truth or dare" Mina asked


"I dare you to kiss your crush"

"What makes you think that I have a crush and the fact that if I did have one, you think it would be one of you idiots"

"Are you saying that you DO have a crush? They're just not here?" Tape dispenser asked

"What? NO! I dont like anyone. Crushes are just a distraction"

"But it's not like you can decide to have a crush or not. The heart wants what it wants" Pinky said

"Obviously I can because all these boys arent worth having a crush on"


"Fine then, kiss the most attractive person in this room but not yourself"

"How would she even kiss herself?"

"I dont know, I bet she'd figure it out"

I leaned over and kissed my brothers cheek

"Seriously?" Mina pouted

"What? Sunshine, that's lame" Dunce face added

"Yeah you guys are basically idental, just different genders" Tape dispenser added

"Do you blame her?" Kat asked smirking

"We really should've expected that" Sharkboy commented

♡more truths and dares later♡

"If you had to date someone in the squad who would it be and it can't be anyone with the last name Bakugou" Mina asked

"Ew. That me dating prince? That would be incest"

"More like TWINcest!" I rolled my eyes

"So who is it?" Sparky asked

"I guess Sharkboy"

"Kiri? What a surprise" Mina smirked

"What does that mean?"

"Why Kiri?" Dunce face asked

"Because out of the four of you, he's the least annoying"

♡Minas pov♡


"I was cold so I was going to borrow one of Viktoriyas sweatshirts, but look what I found" I said as I shook Sero and Denki awake

"Mina do you want to die? She would know if you went into her closet, she's super organized" Sero asked in his groggy morning voice

"That's not the point! Come with me! Look at this"

We walked into her closet and in a box were drawings and stories about a certain redhead


"SHHH! Viktoriya's a light sleeper"

"We should get out of here before we wake anyone else up"

"Yeah but let's just confirm that Viktoriya likes Kiri"

"But we can't tell her or else she'll know we went into her closet and then she'll attack us. Not just her but Bakugou too"

"True, so what can we do?"

"Sadly, we can't really do anything but watch them and encourage Kiri to ask her out cause we all know that he likes her. Why? I have no idea but he sees something in her obviously" Sero said

"So what now?" Denki asked

"We sit back and struggle as we watch them obviously like each other but won't admit it to the other that they like them"

"I understand that Kiri is scared that she's going to destroy him but I don't know why Viktoriya isn't telling anyone, you can tell she hasn't told Bakugou or else he would've most definitely been giving him a staredown the entire night" Sero commented

"Yeah... maybe because she knows Bakugou would be intimidating and that we'd find out"

"That's not true, she thinks we're stupid" Denki answered

"She's not wrong, you guys are idiots" Sero said shrugging

"What? she calls you an idiot too"

"But at least I wasn't the bottom two"

"Damn. He's real straight forward"

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