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(Hey back again with another update (: )



The next morning I stretched in my bed. It’s not that bad is it? I hope not. I’m just worried because now Aaliyah might run and tell Harry, scratch that, she did. Harry might come over, scratch that, he is, and not just beat my ass, but Zayn’s to. Now I’m terrified, I might as well run and close the entrance to the property. I don’t know why, they had such hatred for him. I mean I have a clue but… I don’t know.

I slipped on some jeans, a t-shirt and a light sweater. I walked into the kitchen while hastily putting on thick socks. I opened the freezer and stuck a breakfast sandwich in the microwave and walked to find my boots. I was hoping to avoid him, because I just knew things would be awkward between us, I didn’t feel like dealing with it.

The microwave beeped as I pulled on my boots, I ran and grabbed it quickly making my way out the door. My animals need tending to, so he better wake his ass up and help.

I bit into the sandwich enjoying it as I made my way into the horse barn. I opened it and let the sunlight pour in. “Alright, let’s get started” I said to myself finishing the sandwich and started cleaning stalls. When I was done, I gave them each their needed amount of food and hay.

“Good morning” Zayn called smiling. “Good morning, mind filling up water buckets” I said stick the last flake of hay in Brighton’s stall. “Sure” He said grabbing the water buckets. I smiled towards him and walked over to chicken coops. I opened them and grabbed their feeders “Hey guys” I smiled at them.  Soon enough baby chickens will be coming.



Thank God I took today off, I really need to go over Kylie’s and have a word with her. Harry has to work so he won’t go, thank God for that to, Harry’s like her older brother and if he even caught a glimpse of Zayn right now, I’d be bailing my husband out of prison I’m pretty sure.

It’s not that we don’t like him because of his past, it’s because the way we’ve seen him treat her. Sometimes she doesn’t even notice it. She’s to numb now a days.

I made my way to my car after kissing Harry goodbye and got in it. She doesn’t know I’m coming. I turned up the radio and headed her direction.



After I fed the chickens and goats, I went and checked on the cows. I gave them plenty of water. Susie made her way over to me, “Hey girl” I said petting her “What have you been up to?” I asked rhetorically. She just replied a quiet “mmm” and enjoyed me scratching her head. I swear she’s just like a dog. I saw Chickadee running in the pasture towards us “She sure is big now isn’t she?” I asked Susie. Sometimes I wished they could talk back to me.

“Kylie?” I heard Zayn come up behind me. “Yes?” I asked still petting Susie. “Can we talk about…uhm last night?” He asked hesitantly. “What’s there to talk about?” I said looking at him. “We had sex, oh well” I shrugged and continued petting Susie.

I started walking towards the horse barn; I had to work with Brighton today. “Well that’s not just it” He said following after me. I stopped in my tracks and turned towards him “What else is there?” I asked crossing my arms.

“Did it mean anything to you?” He asked softly.

“No, not really” I lied; it meant a lot to me. I saw a flash of pain cross his eyes, but it was gone quickly. “I mean I enjoyed it, I guess you could say, but it didn’t mean anything to me, a one-nighter” I smiled as strongly as I could. I felt bad; you could clearly see I hurt his feelings.

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