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I quickly dialed Aaliyah’s number, I knew it was her break day, but Big Susie needed her now. “Hello?” Aaliyah said groggily. I could tell she just woke up. It’s 9 in the morning; she must’ve been tired then. “Susie, she’s having trouble going into labor, and Zayn is trying to help, but none of the methods you told me are working” I breathed out to her. I was panicking; this was Susie’s first calf! Susie was my favorite cow on the farm and I couldn’t lose her. “I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’m bringing Hazza” She said huffing. “Okay hurry please. Good bye” I said hanging up after hearing a faint goodbye from her. Hazza was her now two year boyfriend. His name is Harry but Hazza is his nickname. I walked over to Zayn and started petting Susie. “We’ll get through this darling” I whispered to her. “I don’t see why you care so much about her” I heard him say while he sat down and looked up at me replacing his old nasty gloves with new ones. “Excuse me?” I ask while walking towards him. “I mean, she’s just another cow on the farm, just like there are other horses, ducks, chickens, and donkeys. Everything, you own every freaking farm animal on this planet and you’re upset that this cow and its calf just might die.” He replied whilst playing with her tail. I scoffed “Um before you’re quick to judge me and my actions look at yourself. You don’t know half the story on Susie so sit back and worry about yourself.” As I finished the sentence, Aaliyah walked in with Hazza. I looked at her “Oh thank god” I said and ran to her. “Shh it’ll be okay” she said hugging me tightly. At least somebody knew how much she meant to me. We walked over there and Aaliyah worked her Veterinary magic.


                Within an hour Susie was nursing her newborn and it was pretty cute. “Thanks again, sorry if I woke you up” I told Aaliyah as I pet Titan, my personal horse on the farm. “It’s no problem, really, I know how much she means to you. “ Aaliyah smiled while feeding Titan his favorite, a peppermint. We walked back to the barn to check on Big Susie and her calf. I decided to name her calf Chickadee, just because I felt like it. Chickadee and Big Susie seemed pretty content, and before long, they’ll be back in the pasture grazing happily. “Alright well we’re going to hit the road now, Thanksgiving is like a week away and we really haven’t gotten anything” Aaliyah explained twirling her keys in her hand. “Oh can I come over, with Zayn, because I don’t think I’m gonna cook, and Zayn doesn’t… really have a family to go to.” I said watching her keys in her hand. “Sure, I don’t mind,” She replied gesturing for Harry to come over. “Alright, well like I said, thanks again for helping me” I said as I hugged her. “And like I said, it’s no biggie.” She said hugging me back. Then her and Harry got into her car and took off. I turned around to go check on my goats, when I saw Zayn feeding them already.


                “You know” I started saying as I drove off, “I really have a bad feeling about that Zayn kid, did you hear what he said to her right before we walked in.” I scoffed. Harry looked at me, “Well he seemed to be nice.” Harry replied. “Oh my gosh, you’re not around half the time but how he treats her, ugh I just want to kill him. She only keeps him around because she needs the help, since her parents, are gone. He has a bad history to.” I said matter of factly. “Then why are you judging him?” Harry asked just now putting on his seat belt. “Judging? He judges her for everything; you’re never around when she’s calling me crying because he’s messing with her head.” I said paying attention to the road. “What are you talking about? How’s he messing with her head?” He asked confused. “Never mind, you’re a guy, you wouldn’t understand.” I said turning up the music. As we drove back home, I started thinking about her and that stupid boy.



As I sat with Big Susie, I thought about my parents. A week exactly after Thanksgiving would mark two years. Two years of loneliness.  I mean yeah, I was 18 at the time, and I had other family. But losing your parents is the hardest ever. They had just gotten me Susie, she was an early Christmas gift, and then two days later, they went to get feed for her. They feed arrived, but they didn’t. The feed was brought by the state officer who delivered the news, that John and Susan were dead. Hit by a drunk driver and thrown off the country road. They left around 5:30 pm, but that didn’t stop Billy Morrison from day drinking. I cried for weeks upon weeks. It wasn’t till last year when I finally decided I needed help. So this farm became a farm where anybody could work. I gave up my dreams of being an Agriculture teacher just to keep the farm running. That’s when I hired Zayn, a boy with a troubled past. My daddy definitely wouldn’t approve of him. But he’s the only one who offered out of everyone.

He wanted to use this farm as a stress reliever. He relished anger, I mean of course he was rude some points. But I couldn’t “fire” him. He was the only one that offered, and if I let him go, I could never work this 448 acre farm by myself. It’s hard enough as it is with just us two. Aaliyah said she would help , but with her time in college and her own farm, she’d never have time. I stressed most of the time, but I made sure bills were paid. Susie was where I had peace. I had no name for her until I lost my parents. She’s named after my mom. My mom was a strong woman, never let anybody or anything mess up her reputation, or mess with her family. Susie was like that; as she grew we grew a bond. She became protective over me and I became defensive over her. I know it may sound crazy seeing as she’s a cow, but she’s my cow, and she’s the only thing I have left of my parents.

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