The Kitchen Floor- Sebastian Stan

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Sebastian!" I yelled throughout the house as I walked around in just one of his shirts and a pair of my underwear. "Sebastian!" I called out again. 

I walked into his office and he wasn't there. I went into our home gym and he wasn't there. I went into our bedroom and he wasn't in there or the kitchen, or the living room, or the dining room, or the bathroom. 

So, I ran over to my phone and called him. "Hello?" He answered as I sat on the kitchen floor. "Where'd you go?" I asked as I sat on the cold floor and then reached above the counter and then picked up a poptart. 

"I went outside to water your flowers. Why are you freaking out?" He asked as I sat on the floor and ate the poptart in silence. "What are you eating?" He asked as I continued to chew. "What makes you think I am eating anything?" I asked with a mouth full of food. 

"Did you eat my poptart?" He asked as I then heard the back door open. He then hung up on me. "YOU HUNG UP ON ME?" I yelled as I nearly choked on the poptart. "Yeah! And you ate my poptart!" He yelled back as he then walked in the kitchen and he was wearing a flannel with his dirty grass stained jeans and gardening gloves. 

"You look hot," I said as he smiled and the took off the gloves and unbuttoned the flannel. "You do too, do you want me to order food?" He asked as I fell on my back. "AND HE GIVES ME FOOD TOO???" I yelled out as he laughed and then stepped over me to get to the coffee pot. 

"Where do you want food from?" He asked as he made a fresh pot of coffee. "Pizza Hut," I said as he rolled his eyes. "I'm serious. You can't have pizza right now. Lets get pizza later tonight and have something better for right now," He said as I nodded and then sat up a little. "I would like the Romainan Sea Bass," I said as I then looked over to him and awkwardly smirked. 

"No, you can save that for dessert," He said as he smiled and then sat down on the floor with me and handed me his phone so I could look through the grubhub app with him. 

"Salads?" He asked as I shook my head and make a face that I would make before I puke. "Sandwiches?" He asked as I shrugged and then scrolled through some pictures of sandwiches before shaking my head no again to that option. "How about you pick and I will go take a shower," He said as I nodded and then continued to sit on the floor while he got up and then took off his shirt right in front of me which I know he was only doing to catch my eye. Which it did indeed. 

I finally landed on something to eat and the ordered the food. I sat his phone down on the counter as I then headed to the bathroom to let him know that food is on the way. 

I walked into the bathroom and then he was washing his hair. "(Y/N) is that you?" "No, it's the ghost of your past," I said as I sat on the counter. "Cool, are we going to be eating soon, ghost of my past?" He asked as I giggled. 

"Yeah, I ordered food," I said as I then saw him use the wash cloth to wash his chest and face. "YAY! Get that seat all clean for me!" I said as he then laughed and opened the shower door. 

"Come on, don't be shy," He said as I jumped off the counter and then took off my shirt and underwear. "Why weren't you wearing a bra?" He asked as I smirked and then got under the water with him. "I wanted to make you nervous," I said as I then kissed him. 

He smiled and then pushed me against one one the walls in the shower. I moaned as he smiled into the kiss. We kept kissing in the shower and then he turned off the shower and got out. The bathroom was all steamy and I was now VERY hungry. 

We went and got dressed and by dressed I mean he put on some clean pjs while I put on another one of his shirts but this time I matched them to a pair of his boxers which I was also wearing. 

Sebastian Stan Character Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now