What it's like dating Bucky Barnes

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Imagine the following:

-Gentle giant

-When you see stray animals on the street he will help you take them home and nurse it back to health

-He never raises his voice at you

-He calls you cute names like Doll, Love, Gorgeous, Darling

-Because you too are so different when it comes to being an Avenger, you are barely ever in the same room anymore so you will leave each other love notes

-Watching him sleep and thinking about how cute and soft he looks

-Him watching you sleep and think how lucky he is to have you

-Comforting him when he has nightmares about Hydra

-He loves watching you get ready

-Him then wanting you do do HIS eyeliner

-Him straightening your hair for you if you are running late

-Possessive Bucky

-Jealous Bucky

-He can't really cook that well but tries his best (almost burnt Stark Towers down once)

-Loves to dance with you

-Carries you around a lot

-Holding hands

-Teasing each other and joking around

-"I bet I can do more push ups then you." You then look over and he is cheating by using his metal arm "Hey no cheating!"

-You helping put his hair in a man bun before missions

-You literally steal all of his clothes and he doesn't care one bit

-Always making the other one smile

-Cute texts

-'Hey just checking in and making sure you know, I love you.'

-'I did know but it is nice to have a reminder.'

-Being best friends with Sam and he hates it

-"Where were you today?"

-"Out with Sam why?"

-He rolls his eyes every time you bring him up in a conversation

-You doing the same when he brings up Steve

-"But it's not the same! Steve and I are two guys! You and Sam could easily be making out behind my back."

-"So could you and Steve!"

-Then the two of you laughing at each other for how ridiculous that argument was

-Cuddling in bed while watching movies

-Him being so caring about everything

-Him making sure you are always safe when up against threats on missions

-Him making sure you are always safe when up against threats on missions

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