You Go on a Double Date-Preference

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"We should go out," Jefferson said while taking a sip of his iced tea. We were at Granny's waiting for Emma and Killian. We were going to meet up so that we could get our daughter back. Grace is getting to the age where she likes to babysit for Emma. Besides, baby Hope is adorable. "Hey, guys!" Emma said while extending her arms to hug Jefferson and me. "How was your little play date?" Jefferson asked Grace as she handed Hope back to Killian. "It was really fun, I got to feed her and we went for a walk down to the park." She looked so happy with her brace face smile looking up at us. "How about you go say hi to Henry over there with Regina while we talk to Emma and Killian," She nodded and took Hope in the stroller over to Regina and Henry in the next booth over. We all sat down and ordered some food. "(Y/N) and I were just talking about how we should go out soon, maybe we could make it a double date?" "That sounds delightful, what do you say, love?" Killian looked over to Emma. She looked at me and smiled. "That sounds amazing but that would mean we would have to find a babysitter," "I can handle that," I said while getting out of the booth. "Emma, would you like to take the kids and come with me?" She nodded and got out of the booth as well. "Pick us up at 8. My place," I said while taking Grace's hand and Emma took Hope's stroller. The guys just smiled at us as we walked out of the Diner. We had them wrapped around our fingers. We dropped off our daughters at Snow's and then went to Emma's to pick up some clothes for her and then headed to my house to get ready. We were looking extra cute tonight and couldn't wait to be with our boys. "I wonder where they are taking us," She said while she curled her hair. I smiled as I put my earrings on and fixed my wedding bands. "Knowing them it is going to be somewhere nice and romantic." She nodded and finished up her hair. Then there was a knock at the door. "I'm guessing that is them," Emma said while grabbing her shoes and walking out the door. "Wait! We need to make sure we look perfect and Jefferson has a key so they are probably waiting downstairs all we need to do is walk down there looking beautiful as ever." With that, she put her heels on and her sweater. I did the same and followed her. We walked down the stairs and saw Jefferson and Killian waiting at the bottom for us. "Wow," Was all Killian could mutter as he stared at Emma with pure love in his eyes. "I can't believe how lucky I am to have a gorgeous woman like you in my life," Jefferson said while taking my hand and walking out the front door after Emma and Hook who were already outside. "Where to boys?" Emma asked from the back seat. "It's a surprise," Jefferson and Killian said in unison. Jefferson drove for about 30 minutes before coming to a stop in what looked like a picnic area. "What's this?" Emma asked while getting out of the car. "We thought you ladies would like to stare at the stars while also staring at us," Killian said while taking Emma's hand and kissing it. I looked at Jefferson and he handed me his jacket. "You looked cold," He then kissed me. "Let's eat!" I yelled out while taking Emma's hand and sitting on the blanket the boys had set up for us. We had a great date night eating yummy foods while looking at the stars and our boys, of course. I also think I caught them staring back at us once in a while.


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Bucky and I were never ones to want to go out on dates but if someone asked if we wanted to tag along on something then we would probably join. "Hey, do you think you and James would like to go out with Steve and me?" Nat asked while handing me my tea from the counter. "Sure, I can ask him but if his boyfriend is going then I am almost certain he would like to go," She smiled and looked at Steve as he walked in. "She said that they would love to join us," She said to him with a smile. "Well, of course, you're going aren't you?" I nearly spat out my hot tea onto myself when Steve said that. "We should probably go get ready then, we leave in 2 hours," Steve said while giving Nat a kiss on her forehead. She nodded and I got up to go get dressed and find Bucky. "Hey baby, we need to get dressed because we are going out tonight with Steve and Natasha," He looked at me and smiled. "I guess you knew I would want to go because your girlfriend is going?" I laughed at him and threw my shoe near him. "No! I knew you would want to go because your boyfriend was going!" I yelled at him as I threw my other shoe. He blocked himself and laughed at me. "We really need to get dressed," I said while going through my things to look for something cute to wear. Later that night, Steve, Natasha, and Bucky were sitting in the main room while I finished up getting ready. "Babe? You almost ready?" Bucky yelled from the main room. "Yes, sorry! I couldn't find my other shoe so I borrowed a pair of Nat's," Nat then looked at my shoes and smiled, "Nice choice." She then grabbed my purse off the table and handed to Bucky for me. I smiled and walked out the door behind Steve and Nat, Bucky held onto my waist and followed close behind me. "Where to ladies?" Steve asked while opening the car door for Nat. "I'm thinking a nice Diner somewhere discrete," Nat said while holding Steve's hand as he started the car. Bucky then got into the backseat next to me and we headed to the Diner down the street from the Avenger tower. When we walked in Steve and Bucky were in shock, it was like the place was stuck in the '40s. "I'm gonna go get us a booth why don't you guys go look at the pictures on the wall?" I said while letting go of Bucky's hand and locking arms with Nat so we could go get a booth. The boys walked off over to the mural on the wall of all the Captain America memorabilia from before Cap went in the ice. Nat and I were successful in getting a booth and we just sat down and watched our boyfriends look at old pictures of themselves in a non-creepy way of course. Natasha and I ordered drinks and burgers for everyone. Steve and Bucky eventually made their ways back to us. "Oh my God! Nat, look who finally decided to join us on our double date! OUR BOYFRIENDS!" I yelled out for the world to hear. Nat laughed and Steve just looked embarrassed as Bucky just rolled his eyes. "Let's just eat," Bucky said while shoving a french fry into his mouth. We ate our food and then made our way back to the tower. Once we were home, Steve took Nat by the hand and ran upstairs laughing. "Well, I guess that is the conclusion to our date," I said while giving Bucky a kiss on the lips. "Maybe it doesn't have to end just yet," He then smiled at me with this devious look like he had something planned that I wasn't ready for.

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