Fucking Idiot- Bucky Barnes (SMUT)

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I opened my eyes and just looked at the ceiling in the bedroom we were in. "What are you thinking about?" Bucky asked as I smiled at him. "What it took for me to have sex with you."


"I hate you!" I yelled to Bucky as Zemo and Sam just sat on the couch watching Bucky and I yell at each other. "I hate you more!" Bucky yelled to me as I threw my wine glass at him. "You bitch! You nearly hit me!" "I guess I missed then!" I yelled as I put on my shoes and then grabbed a coat and went out the door. 

I just kept walking until I heard Bucky yelling after me. "Come back!" He yelled as I continued to ignore him. "(Y/N)! You bitch!" Bucky yelled as I turned around just to flip him off. 

"I don't think you are going to get her to come back by yelling at her," Sam said as Bucky just glared at him. "Come on! (Y/N) we have to get going in an hour!" Sam yelled after me as I put my earbuds in my ears and then turned around and walked back towards Zemo's apartment. 

"I have a headache. Don't talk to me," I said to Bucky without even looking up at him as I had my music blasting in my ears. 

I went and sat back down on the couch that Zemo and Sam were sitting on before. Zemo was now pouring himself a drink as Sam swept up the broken wine glass and Bucky went to go lay down. 

Sam and Zemo went to the bar a few minutes later and just told Bucky and me to meet them there. "And try not to kill each other before you get there," Sam said as he and Zemo left. 

Bucky walked out and was wearing tight black pants and a leather jacket. His metal hand visible to me and his dog tag chain tucked into his black shirt. "What's with the all-black outfit? You look dumb," I said as he rolled his eyes and then threw my dress at me. 

"Put this on and let's just go," He said as he sat down on the other end of the couch. "I'm not going anywhere with you," I said as I threw the dress back at him. "Don't make me dress you like you are a baby," He said as I rolled my eyes and just sat there with my arms crossed. 

"Fine," He said as he got up and walked over to me. He got on his knees and took off my pants for me. "Jeez! You're gonna break my legs!" I yelled as I tried to kick him off of me. "I will drag you to this party half naked if I have to!" He yelled as I just glared at him. 

"Fuck you," I said as I took the dress out of his hand. "You wish," he replied as I finished getting dressed by myself in front of him. 

As I lifted my shirt off, Bucky looked at me and then bit his lip. 

"You look at me like that again I will rip your other arm off," I said as I slid the dress on over my head. "It's on backward, idiot," Bucky said as I looked down and my dress was in fact on the wrong way. 

I fixed it and then followed him out the door. "Will you slow down?" I yelled after him as he fastly walked through the city on his way to the bar where we were meeting Sharon, Sam, and Zemo. 

"It's not my fault that you wore those ridiculous shoes," He said as he continued to walk so fast that I had to stop and take off my shoes so that I could run after him. 

Once we made it to the bar, Sam and Zemo collected Bucky and took him to go talk to some women as Sharon walked over to me. 

"What is going on between you and Bucky?" She asked as I rolled my eyes and made my way over to getting myself a drink. "Nothing. He's a dick and I hate him. That's whats going on," I said as she smiled and nodded. 

"I think you have a crush on him and won't admit it," She said as I slammed my glass down on the table. "I am not some stupid teenage boy, I am not just mean to him cause I wanna fuck him! I am mean to him because I can!" I said as I looked over at Bucky and he was flirting with some other girls. 

I did my best to ignore him but I obviously couldn't so I grabbed my knife and threw it right past Bucky's face. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, (Y/N)!" He yelled as his date ran away screaming. I downed the last of my drink and then walked out of the bar and headed back to Zemo's apartment. 

"Why did you do that?" Bucky asked as he ran up behind me. "Target practice," I said with a smug look as he walked up next to me. "What were you aiming for exactly?" He asked as he snaked his arm around my waist. 

"Don't worry, I wouldn't want to hurt your pretty face. I was aiming for your date," I said as he smiled to himself and then opened the apartment building door for me and then walked me into the apartment room. 

"I thought you hated me," He said as I sat on the couch and took off my shoes that were now hurting my feet. "I do. I just hated her more than you in that moment," I said as I threw my shoe at him. "Hey!" he said as he dodged it. 

"Just please stop talking about it, I have a headache again," I said as he nodded and then I closed my eyes. When I opened them again, Bucky was kneeling in between my legs and was kissing my inner thigh all the way up to my pussy.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he just smiled and then moaned into me. "Just shut up and enjoy it," He said as I used my legs and pushed him back onto the floor. 

"You. Don't. Top. Me," I said as he nodded and then he got up and carried me to one of the bedrooms. 

"You sure you don't hate me?" He moaned out as I left hickies all over his chest down to his V-Line. "I'm positive. But I really enjoy lust filled hate sex," I said as he laughed. 

We continued to have sex until we were both pretty tired out. I laid in the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Okay, fine," I said as he looked at me confusingly. "What?" He asked as I smiled at him. "I guess I don't hate you. But I won't say the other thing. Fucking idiot," I said as he smiled. "I love you too."

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